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Blog post

How to select an HSM vendor

As the choice of HSMs is dependent on the specific application it is used for, we make some general recommendations by providing a list of potential criteria to take into account, irrespective of what you intend to use it for.
ABI Research awards
Blog post

Utimaco named the Overall Leader and Top Implementer in the HSM Market by ABI Research

The latest Hardware Security Module, OEM competitive assessment by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research, announced Utimaco as the overall leader in the HSM market.
chip shortage
Blog post

How Utimaco is addressing the global supply chain chip shortage

The severity of the global chip shortage has disrupted companies throughout 2021 and as we enter 2022, the shortage isn’t going to disappear. As a result, the current processor-chip shortage and supply-chain disruption may have a long-term impact on price and availability.
locker icons
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Symmetric Key Encryption

Organizations face an ever-present risk of data breaches as digital transformations continue to flourish in the business scape. Encryption plays a critical part in mitigating business risks and keeping data safe.
somebody is clicking on the phone
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Public key infrastructure protects communications between users and website servers. The underlying Hardware Security Modules are the root of trust which protect PKI from being breached.
Blog Gartner Top Security and Risk Trends
Blog post

Top Security and Risk Trends implications on Cybersecurity Architecture

Gartner recently published their 2021 cyber security report that shows important risk trends in cybersecurity. This article discusses what implications these trends have on cybersecurity architecture.
Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC
Blog post

Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC

Lily Chen (NIST), the manager of the Crypto Technology Group at NIST, advises CIOs and CISOs to get prepared for the migration towards PQC soon.
Blog post

State of Symmetric & Hash Algorithms after Quantum Computing

The importance of cryptography is increasing. The formalization of quantum computing platforms poses serious threats to the cryptographic algorithms. Be informed about the omplications of quantum computing on the present cryptography.
Blog post

Making Blockchain Technology Secure and Auditable

Modern blockchain technology is evolving. The transfer of trusted data to the blockchain technology makes it essential for blockchains to be implemented in a secure manner.
Blog post

eIDAS: The Advantages of QES as compared to AES

Know the main requirements that must be met to be complient for Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signatures with eIDAS electronic transactions in the European internal market.
Blog post

Secure Transactions with eIDAS

Under eIDAS, the EU aims to facilitate cross-border digital transactions and pave the way for a Digital Single Market. Qualified electronic signatures and seals play a decisive role with this goal. Read in our article how to benefit from eIDAS.
Blog post

Trends and observations from RSA Conference San Francisco 2019

Utimaco attended the RSA Conference in 2019 and we made some observations regarding the changes that are expected in the cyber-security industry.

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