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Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Utimaco Launches u.nity Partner Program to Maximize Partners’ Business and Drive Growth

New comprehensive program accelerates revenue by providing customers with Utimaco’s leading data protection solutions and services.
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Utimaco Extends Trust as a Service Cloud Marketplace with General Purpose HSM

Streamlined marketplace provides simplified deployment and delivery options.
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Denmark’s S!RENEN Public Warning System using Utimaco’s u.warn solution is part of the annual STORE HYLEDAG

S!RENEN, the Danish Public Warning System launched last year, is used by the Danish Police for any case of emergency that requires real-time communication.
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Utimaco joins the UN’s International Telecommunication Union Development Sector to support early Public Warning

"All people on Earth must be protected by early warning systems within five years." - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, March 23, 2022
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Utimaco and InfoSec Global Partner to Facilitate Post-Quantum Cryptography Readiness

Utimaco and InfoSec Global Partner to Facilitate Post-Quantum Cryptography Readiness and Enable Commercial and Government Enterprises to Achieve Cryptographic Agility
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Tina Stewart joins Utimaco as Chief Marketing Officer

Utimaco is proud to announce that Tina Stewart has joined Utimaco as the company's new Chief Marketing Officer.
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

PQC, AI & sustainability: five cybersecurity trends for 2024

In this article, we will be looking at some of the most important developments that our experts see coming in 2024.
Press Release
Comunicado de prensa

Utimaco introduces LAN Crypt Cloud, a cloud-based file encryption management solution for easy, strong data protection

With this certification, Utimaco now is an eligible supplier to deploy public warning systems over standalone 5G networks
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Entradas actuales

pqc general
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Preparing for the Post Quantum World: Key Insights for Cybersecurity Professionals

As quantum computers become capable of breaking asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that underpin our digital security, there is a need for new, quantum-resistant standards.
HSM shield
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11 Reasons Why Utimaco GP HSMs Are The Better Choice

We continuously innovate to provide products, solutions, and services that uphold the highest levels of security and certification.
Data Encryption Teaser
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The EU Data Act And Its Impact On Your Data Security

The EU Data Act entered into force on 11 January 2024, and it will become applicable in September 2025.
Security for Cashless Payments
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Exploring the Impact of PSD2 on European Payments: A Comprehensive Overview

PSD2 aims to make payments more secure in Europe while enhancing security, boosting innovation, introducing new technologies, and increasing competition in the payment industry. Timestamping Service
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Electronic Timestamp: Safeguarding The Integrity of Digital Records

In this article, we delve deeper into the realm of electronic timestamping.
a digital sign
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Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Tools To Comply With The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Tools To Comply With The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
device attestation
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Streamlining Device Security with Device Attestation

Device attestation solutions emerge as indispensable tools, providing a shield against unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious activities.
Complete Digital Infrastructure Protection for Cloud & Cloud Service Providers
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Secure Cloud Migration & Data Protection in the Cloud

Recognizing and understanding the risks associated with cloud migration is not only effective but also imperative for organizations.

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