Utimaco Partners

Ascertia Limited


Since 2001, Ascertia has been a global leader in delivering high-trust e-security products focusing on: Digital Signatures | Timestamping | Secure Archiving | OCSP Validation SigningHub (Ascertia) - Utimaco Hardware Security Modules Partner SigningHub by Ascertia provides a complete signing solution for advanced long-term digital signatures, flexible document workflow approval and status tracking. Integrated into core business applications or used standalone, SigningHub optimises how businesses deliver, review, approve and sign documents. www.signinghub.com ADSS Server is an easy to deploy product that implements a full suite of PKI services. It is the cryptographic engine that powers SigningHub and offers modules for digital signature creation and verification plus other standard/advanced PKI functions (CA, RA, OCSP, TSA, LTANS, SCVP). www.ascertia.com eIDAS Compliance Ascertia, a global provider of digital signature creation and verification solutions, will be using the Utimaco CP5 HSM within its ADSS SAM Appliance, a remote QSCD currently undergoing CC EAL4+ certification against EN 419 241-2. There is great market interest in the powerful combination of Ascertia software working with Utimaco HSMs to deliver eIDAS compliant remote signing. Trusted Globally Ascertia’s solutions are trusted by 20+ national governments, 6 central banks and may other local government and financial institutions, plus organisations in many other sectors looking to reduce costs, increase data security, improve process efficiencies.





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