Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC

Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC

Lily Chen (NIST) advises CIOs and CISOs to get prepared for the migration towards PQC soon.

Lily Chen is the manager of the Crypto Technology Group at NIST. She is in charge of the crypto program and is working on research standardization and applications.

Post Quantum Computing & Cryptography as major security challenge

Ms Chen breaks down the most challenging aspect about post-quantum cryptography into three aspects:

  • the uncertainty about the post quantum computers, because of the unknown time until they will finally emerge and the uncertainties related to the required the quantum algorithms.
  • the migration from current crypto systems to the post-quantum crypto architectures, because public-key cryptography has been widely deployed. PQC will require to replace them, ideally in a smooth transition.
  • the security analysis in the quantum computing world.

How can CEOs and CISOs get prepared on PQC related attacks?

Ms Chen is unambiguous in her advice to the decision makers:

  • get prepared for the migration and start early.
  • look into all aspect of post quantum cryptography
  • be ready for the quantum time.


Work with the PQC experts

We at Utimaco have the honor to work with some of the leading researchers in quantum cryptography, who use our Hardware Security Modules.

The ultimate goal is to prepare:

  • the security infrastructure of the digital economy,

  • algorithms and

  • HSMs in unison for the post-quantum era.

Learn from the PQC and Cryptography experts

In the context of Utimaco’s Conferences and Applied Crypto Symposiums, we had the chance to interview leading researchers, innovation drivers and regulators, and to dive into their views and research agenda on post-quantum cryptography and the future of cryptography in general. 

The series includes interviews with leading innovators at NIST, Diebold-Nixdorf, Samsung, Entrust Datacard,  the Institute of Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, the Central Bank of Lithuania, the Cyber Risk Service at Deloitte and more.

References and Further Reading

More videos from our series on PQC and Future Strategies including interviews with leading innovators at NIST, Diebold-Nixdorf, Samsung, Entrust Datacard,  the Institute of Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, the Central Bank of Lithuania, the Cyber Risk Service at Deloitte and more.

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