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Itan Barmes (Deloitte) - We need to Face the Quantum Risk Now!
Blog post

Itan Barmes (Deloitte) - We need to Face the Quantum Risk Now! - Utimaco

Itan Barmes, a cybersecurity expert at Deloitte, points out that most companies have not prepared their security infrastructure, algorithms and HSMs for the post-quantum era.
Michele Mosca (University of Waterloo) - Ramping Up The PQC Transition Process with Internal and External Stakeholders
Blog post

Michele Mosca (University of Warerloo) - Ramping Up The PQC Transition Process with Internal and External Stakeholders

Michele Mosca - Ramping Up the PQC Transition Process with Internal and External Stakeholders. CIOs and CISOs need to know how to get prepared for the post quantum era.
Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC
Blog post

Lily Chen (NIST) - Getting Prepared for the Migration towards PQC

Lily Chen (NIST), the manager of the Crypto Technology Group at NIST, advises CIOs and CISOs to get prepared for the migration towards PQC soon.
Blog post

5th Applied Crypto Symposium in Silicon Valley - an Executive Summary

At the 5th Applied Crypto Symposium in Silicon Valley, thought leaders from standardization organizations, global vendors,  consultancy firms & leading financial institutes discussed cyber security risks of post quantum computing.
Blog post

NIST's Hybrid Mode Approach to Post-Quantum Computing - why crypto agility is crucial

The importance of cryptography has acquired considerable prominence due to the requirement of security mechanisms such as confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation in modern data communications.
Puzzle piece missing
Blog post

Why is the choice of the right HSM prerequisite for a crypto agile architecture

Organizations have to put serious consideration into the future of cryptography. This is why the choice of the right Hardware Security Module is a prerequisite for a crypto-agile architecture.
Blog post

State of Symmetric & Hash Algorithms after Quantum Computing

The importance of cryptography is increasing. The formalization of quantum computing platforms poses serious threats to the cryptographic algorithms. Be informed about the omplications of quantum computing on the present cryptography.
Blog post

Making Blockchain Technology Secure and Auditable

Modern blockchain technology is evolving. The transfer of trusted data to the blockchain technology makes it essential for blockchains to be implemented in a secure manner.
Blog post

Bank of Lithuania opens up their payment infrastructure – disrupting the European financial market

Martynas Rajunčius describes the steps that helped the Bank of Lithuania to open up their infrastructure to payment services for banks and non-banks under PSD2 frame.
Blog post

How Entrust Datacard pioneers the road to post-quantum with Utimaco - in spite of all uncertainties

Sandy Carielli faces all the unanswered questions, to advice Entrust Datacard's partners and customers on how to move forward in the context of post-quantum cryptography.
Payment HSM as a service
Blog post

NIST shortlisted 26 algorithms for focal post-quantum research

Since the development of quantum computing, some cryptographic algorithms have been compromised. Read here about current threats to crypto applications and how you can mitigate the security risks.
Blog post

How Samsung prepares devices sold today for a life in the post-quantum era

In this video blog, Madjid Nakhjiri, Senior Principal Security Architect at the Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center, describes his company’s strategy to develop products today which are prepared for the post quantum era.

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