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Blog post

Blockchain & HSMs to Prevent Autonomous Vehicle Hijacking

Read about how blockchain can be used to prevent hijacking in the industry of autonomous, self-operated vehicles.
Blog post

How Blockchain Can Improve the Car Insurance Industry

This article describes how blockchain technology could enable insurance companies to solve a lot of problems that the car insurance world currently faces.
Blog post

Blockchain vs Smartcard for Securing Odometers and Tachographs

Odometers and tachographs are vital measurement devices for vehicles. They have legal purposes and are vital to ensure the safety of the operation related to a car, a bus, or a truck.
Blog post

How Blockchain Allows Car Manufacturers to Create Digital Passports

This article explains how blockchain technologies can allow car manufacturers to offer irrefragable digital passports for the buyers and owners of the vehicles they sell.
Blog post

Why HSM is vital to Blockchain Technologies

We are witnessing the rapid rise of blockchain technologies in many sectors: banks, transportation, automotive, public sector, etc. Blockchain appears often as the universal panacea and the remedy to many problems.
Blog post

How Blockchain Disrupts the Automotive Industry

It is estimated that around 62 percent of the global automotive industry will use blockchain technologies as early as 2021. Many car manufacturers are currently investing in Distributed Ledgers Technologies (DLT) projects.
Blog post

The Importance of HSMs for Blockchain-Based Transportation Protocol

In this article, we unveil several reasons why HSMs are vital for the emerging blockchain-based transportation protocols.
Blog post

Autonomous Vehicles and a Blockchain-Based Transportation Protocol

Blockchain technologies can now be integrated into any industry, public sector, inside any business and throughout areas in our social contemporary lives.
Blog post

Autonomous Vehicles and Blockchains

Fast forward to 2019 and autonomous vehicles (AVs) of all varieties: land, sea, and air are revolutionizing how people and goods are transported.
Blog post

Technical and Financial Advantages of Permissioned Blockchains in Banking

Permissioned networks are the ideal solution for banks in building their own blockchain. In this article, we will detail the technical advantages of banking blockchains and how these advantages lead to financial advantages, as well.
Blog post

Comparing Public (Permissionless) and Private (Permissioned) Blockchains - What is Best for Banking and Payment Services

Read how blockchains work, what are the differences between public and permissioned blockchain networks, and how banks currently position themselves in regards to these networks.
Blog post

The Key Role of HSMs in Secure Permissioned Blockchains for Banking and Payment Services

In many permissioned blockchain networks like Corda, notaries are dedicated nodes. They replace the role that miners play in other blockchains like the Bitcoin blockchain.

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