Industry meets research: Utimaco joins the Horizon 2020 project CONCORDIA

As part of its cooperation with the EU research program, the international provider of IT security solutions is specifically involved in the areas of eHealth and eMobility. Utimaco will thus be supporting innovations that result from research and pilot projects in the future.

Aachen, Germany, December 3, 2020 – Utimaco, a leading global provider of IT security solutions, has announced that it is joining the CONCORDIA project. CONCORDIA is part of the European framework program Horizon 2020. Utimaco will contribute its expertise in the areas of secure authentication, OTA updates, data encryption and the management of cryptographic keys to the cooperation. One focus of the future collaboration will be on eHealth: besides providing emergency services, experts and researchers will also work on securing and monitoring connected systems in the healthcare sector. Another focus area of the newly formed cooperation are Autonomous systems and vehicles, including secure charging infrastructures and logistics processes. The collaboration will provide support for pilot projects and thus guarantee Utimaco access to the latest innovations in the industry. The CONCORDIA project has received a grant under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program that is regulated by grant agreement no. 830927.

The European framework program Horizon 2020 focuses on bringing industry and research together in order to develop sustainable and future-proof innovations. The program is embedded in the Europe 2020 Strategy that is aimed at increasing economic growth and employment in Europe. In this context, Horizon 2020 offers numerous support measures at the European level for projects that advance both society and the economy and at the same time enable sustainable development. CONCORDIA is one of these projects with the goal to establish a European competence network in the field of IT security. Its focus is on establishing an exchange between industry and research. Utimaco is able to support this process with its own in-house expertise. At the same time, the new collaboration will enable the company to support unique pilot projects and accompany potential innovations from beginning to end. This is also reflected in the product portfolio, as new findings are ultimately shared with customers in the form of new products and technologies. This new exchange will thus enable the security experts to develop proof of concepts (POCs) for products and crypto-infrastructures as well as possible reference architectures for numerous use cases in the future.

“Horizon 2020 promotes innovation – for Europe, the society and the economy. The CONCORDIA project focuses mainly on IT security which is our area of expertise. Therefore, we see the cooperation as a unique opportunity to drive innovation at the pulse of time. We are happy to support research projects, national as well as international. In our opinion, the combination of industry and research brings countless advantages for both sides. As highly experienced IT security experts, we will contribute crypto technology and the necessary know-how for innovative projects. Finally, we will also benefit from the active exchange between research and industry because we can use the new findings that result from this unique cooperation and make them available to our customers. The combination of the areas industry and research will lead to important synergies that we do not want to miss, as they will enable us to always keep up with advancing digitalization,” said Malte Pollmann, CSO of Utimaco.

“We are very pleased that Utimaco has joined CONCORDIA. Utimaco’s expertise will enrich the pilot projects particularly in the areas of eHealth, eMobility and Unmanned Aerial Systems and we look forward to the collaboration,” replied Prof. Gabi Dreo, Managing Director of FI CODE and Coordinator of CONCORDIA.

“Utimaco will join CONCORDIA in the eHealth pilot. The planned focus is on secure patient identification combined with secure data collection and data exchange. We appreciate having Utimaco on board as a long-standing IT security expert,” concluded Detlef Houdeau, Senior Director at Infineon Technologies AG.


UTIMACO is a global platform provider of trusted Cybersecurity and Compliance solutions and services with headquarters in Aachen (Germany) and Campbell, CA (USA). UTIMACO develops on-premises and cloud-based hardware security modules, solutions for key management, data protection and identity management as well as data intelligence solutions for regulated critical infrastructures and Public Warning Systems. UTIMACO is one of the world's leading manufacturers in its key market segments.

500+ employees around the globe create innovative solutions and services to protect data, identities and communication networks with responsibility for global customers and citizens. Customers and partners in many different industries value the reliability and long-term investment security of UTIMACO’s high-security products and solutions.

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