Utimaco Expands Collaboration with Microsoft by joining the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association

Aachen, Germany, November 22: Utimaco, a leading global provider of IT security solutions, has deepened its relationship with Microsoft, by joining the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA). The association is an ecosystem of independent software vendors and managed security service providers, of which Utimaco will now be part, which aims to better defend the world against cybersecurity threats by integrating their solutions with Microsoft’s security technology. 

Specifically, Utimaco’s DKE (Double Key Encryption) Anchor system will now be able to connect to Microsoft Purview Information Protection. This allows Utimaco’s customers, which include some of the biggest companies and governments around the world, to flexibly and securely transition their cryptographic workloads to the cloud while remaining in complete control. ‘Cloudification’ of cryptography can be extremely complex, and Utimaco DKE Anchor solution allows customers to maintain control of their most important cryptographic assets, while leveraging the benefits of Microsoft Azure.

The Utimaco DKE Anchor enables organizations to leverage cloud services without the need to expose their cryptographic keys. This enables them to adhere to compliance standards that require organizations to maintain ownership of keys without sacrificing scalability of their deployment. It meets the requirements for two-tier security for the most sensitive data in Azure cloud, allowing both Key Lifecycle Management and Cloud Enablement in a single package. This is enabled by Microsoft Purview, a system used by industries like automotive, eHealth and governments who face the imperative to comply with regulations like GDPR, FISMA, HIPAA, PCIDSS, eIDAS and others.

“This announcement represents an extension of the Utimaco commitment to the Microsoft relationship that customers can count on. It positions Utimaco at the top of the security technology community, where the next generation cloud security best practices are being defined and where the quantum gap will be addressed. It positions us to be a leader of those solutions,” said Eyal Worthalter, Vice President – Global Solution Sales at Utimaco. “By deepening our relationship with Microsoft, Utimaco is better equipped to provide customers worldwide with cloud-based security solutions that protect data – wherever it resides, whether on premises or in the cloud. We are honored to have been nominated to MISA and are looking forward to jointly developing more solutions that help customers protect their digital assets and identities.”

Hammad Rajjoub, Director, Product Marketing, Data Protection, Compliance and Privacy Ecosystem at Microsoft, added: “Microsoft Data Protection and Compliance solutions help organizations intelligently assess risk, govern and protect sensitive data, and effectively respond to regulatory requirements. Members of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association, like Utimaco, offer solutions that benefit from Microsoft’s rich extensibility scenarios to adapt, extend, integrate, and accelerate member solutions for our shared customers.” 

Acerca de UTIMACO

UTIMACO es una plataforma global proveedora de soluciones y servicios de Ciberseguridad y Cumplimiento normativo de confianza con sedes en Aquisgrán (Alemania) y Campbell, CA (EE.UU.). UTIMACO desarrolla módulos de seguridad de hardware locales y basados en la nube, soluciones para Key management, protección de datos y gestión de identidades, así como soluciones de inteligencia de datos para infraestructuras críticas reguladas y Sistemas de Alerta Pública. UTIMACO es uno de los principales fabricantes del mundo en sus segmentos de mercado clave.

más de 500 empleados en todo el mundo crean soluciones y servicios innovadores para proteger datos, identidades y redes de comunicación con responsabilidad para clientes y ciudadanos de todo el mundo. Clientes y socios de muy diversos sectores valoran la fiabilidad y la seguridad de la inversión a largo plazo de los productos y soluciones de alta seguridad de UTIMACO.

Press contact

SkyParlour for Utimaco
Claire Holden
+44 (0)330 043 1315

Silke Paulussen
+49 241 1696-150


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