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Press releases

Press release

HPS and Utimaco enter into a strategic partnership

Effective immediately, the two companies work together to offer state-of-the-art multi-channel payment as well as cyber security solutions to the financial sector.
Press release

Utimaco announces Anchor, its next generation high performance HSM platform Anchor addresses the market’s need for increased flexibility and agility in IT security driven by the accelerated pace of digitization.
Press release

Utimaco erhält Zusage im Förderwettbewerb 5G.NRW

Zusammen mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT sowie dem Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der RWTH Aachen und weiteren Industriepartnern, wird Utimaco im Rahmen des 5G-COMET Projekts an der digitalen, vernetzten Produktion der Zukunft forschen. Mit dieser und weiteren geplanten Kooperationen intensiviert das Unternehmen seine strategische Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Forschungseinrichtungen.
Press release

Utimaco to strengthen portfolio in Cloud and SaaS by acquiring MYHSM

MYHSM’s cloud and service expertise will boost Utimaco’s existing Cloud offering, providing customers with a compelling state-of-the-art solution, delivering flexibility and reduced cost without compromising on security.
Press release

Industry meets research: Utimaco joins the Horizon 2020 project CONCORDIA

As part of its cooperation with the EU research program, the international provider of IT security solutions is specifically involved in the areas of eHealth and eMobility. Utimaco will thus be supporting innovations that result from research and pilot projects in the future.
Press release

AGS Transact Technologies and Utimaco partner to provide cyber-defense technology for digital payments in India & South-east Asia

Under this partnership, the companies will offer crypto-key security solutions to organizations across sectors.
Press release

BPC to become part of Utimaco’s partner program: Secure end-to-end payment accelerates digitalization

Combination of BPC’s SmartVista platform and Utimaco’s Atalla HSM creates a secure end-to-end solution for the banking and finance sector.
Press release

Ansgar Steden is Utimaco’s new Chief Revenue Officer

In his role, Ansgar Steden will be responsible for global sales for the rapidly growing business with encryption and key management solutions as of October 1, 2020.

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