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Press releases

Press release

Utimaco Collaborates with Equinix to provide PaymentHSM-as-a-Service via Platform Equinix

Utimaco will offer Atalla PaymentHSMaaS, one of its premier services offerings, via Platform Equinix. This solution enables customers to move payment keys and hardware security modules (HSM) workloads from on-premises to the public/private/hybrid cloud, lowering their total cost of ownership (TCO) and reducing their PCI compliance scope.
Press release

Sichere und gesetzeskonforme Registrierkassen: Utimaco und A-Trust schließen strategische Partnerschaft

Gemeinsam erleichtern der deutsche IT-Sicherheitsdienstleister und der deutsch-österreichische Fiskalisierungsexperte die Umsetzung der Kassensicherungsverordnung
Press release

Utimaco bringt Lösung zur Umsetzung der Kassensicherungsverordnung auf den Markt

Utimaco stellt mit dem HSM-geschützten CryptoServer CSPLight ein passgenaues Produkt für eine zentral verwaltete Transaktionssignierungslösung vor. Von einer zentralen Signierungslösung mit dem CryptoServer CSPLight im eigenen Rechenzentrum profitieren insbesondere Handelsunternehmen mit hohem Transaktionsvolumen und Fiskalisierungsdienstleister, die ihren Kunden eine eigene Signierungslösung anbieten.
Press release

Utimaco and GEOBRIDGE to provide cryptographic key management and HSM from a single source

Next milestone for GEOBRIDGE integration into Utimaco / Further advantages: higher performance and reduced operating costs, PCI-v3 and FIPS certified
Press release

Utimaco and procilon present a solution for qualified electronic signatures on mobile devices

The joint solution is eIDAS compliant and addresses the increasing need for qualified electronic signatures, especially in the financial services and insurance sector and in the public service.
Press release

Utimaco sets the stage for the era of post-quantum cryptography with Q-safe

Utimaco is the first vendor to offer a hardware security module (HSM) that enables companies to protect their systems against quantum computer-based attacks. The Q-safe 1.0 firmware extension combined with Utimaco’s CryptoServer HSM enables the use of new algorithms that have been developed to withstand quantum computers. In addition, Utimaco offers comprehensive consulting services to help companies enter the age of post-quantum cryptography.
Press release

eMudhra Joins Utimaco’s U-Trust Partner Program as a Technology Partner

Utimaco, a leading provider of professional IT security solutions, and eMudhra, a global digital enabler and a premier provider of PKI and Cybersecurity solutions, will work together and jointly offer products in a wide range of specific areas including Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Authentication, Blockchain, Document Signing, Database Encryption, Identity & Access Management (IAM), Transaction Security and so on.
Press release

Utimaco completes acquisition of GEOBRIDGE

Following the announcement of the acquisition at this year’s RSA conference, the acquisition was approved by the authorities as part of the CFIUS process on March 9 and is legally effective as of March 31. With the completed acquisition, all GEOBRIDGE employees and customers will be integrated into Utimaco’s Information Security division with immediate effect.

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