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Blog post

How to select an HSM vendor

As the choice of HSMs is dependent on the specific application it is used for, we make some general recommendations by providing a list of potential criteria to take into account, irrespective of what you intend to use it for.
digital key on a dark background
Blog post

Encryption, Key Escrow and Cryptographic Key management in the Cloud  

As the world moves forward, we are forced to address availability of both personnel and physical resources. The Cloud seems like the ideal solution. But how do we find assurance that our data is secure if our infrastructure is now in the cloud?
Blog post

From edge to fog to cloud

In the last few months, edge and fog computing in the Industrial IoT have become a hype topic. But what is the truth behind the hype? And does edge and fog computing really solve the major challenges of the future?
cloud icon
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in the Hybrid Cloud

More businesses have come to rely on the use of public cloud environments as these environments have been proven to provide more security than typical on-premises data centers. However, it is essential that businesses keep data that is migrating between their data centers and the cloud secure at all times.
7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs
Blog post

7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs to Gain Force in a Disrupting Finance Market - Utimaco

How you can reduce total cost of ownership by upgrading and consolidating to more performant HSM infrastructures to enable a targeted and enforced pursuit of the corporate goals.
Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) - Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)
Blog post

Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) - Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)

In this video, Michael Engel explains, why he is partners with Utimaco for that critical element of encryption technology in the financial services across the globe.
Blog post

Integration, Automation and Open API in Banking Infrastructure to Accelerate Service Innovation - How Crypto paves the way

Banks have started a process of reinventing their value proposition as a highly automated and integrated platform for a continuously innovating portfolio of financial services. Payment is key to this and is threat by external market entrants.
Blog post

Cryptography in Financial Institutions: Where Market Changes Require a Mutual Understanding by CEO and CISO - to Manage Risk AND Reduce Total Cost of Ownership

Changes in regulations, and the competitive landscape are disrupting the payment ecosystems. This article explains why concerted action on crypto is needed by the banks’ CEOs and CISOs.
Blog post

NIST's Hybrid Mode Approach to Post-Quantum Computing - why crypto agility is crucial

The importance of cryptography has acquired considerable prominence due to the requirement of security mechanisms such as confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation in modern data communications.
Blog post

State of Symmetric & Hash Algorithms after Quantum Computing

The importance of cryptography is increasing. The formalization of quantum computing platforms poses serious threats to the cryptographic algorithms. Be informed about the omplications of quantum computing on the present cryptography.
Blog post

Secure Transactions with eIDAS

Under eIDAS, the EU aims to facilitate cross-border digital transactions and pave the way for a Digital Single Market. Qualified electronic signatures and seals play a decisive role with this goal. Read in our article how to benefit from eIDAS.
Blog post

Crypto agility - How to determine your timeline for post-quantum preparation

There is a significant uncertainty when it comes to the impact of quantum computing on modern cryptography. Michele Mosca has offered a theorem that may be the key to successfully determining your path to post-quantum preparation.

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