Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) – Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)

Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) - Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)

Diebold Nixdorf is a solution provider of end to end solutions to financial service organizations.

In this video, Michael Engel explains, why he is partners with Utimaco for that critical element of encryption technology in financial services across the globe.

Securing Retail Payment Services

Diebold Nixdorf provides solutions that drive ATMs,  but also provide the infrastructure for secure payment processing. In such solutions, cryptography and key management are critical to the overall solution.

Acting now, towards an agile, cloud-based future

Michael Engel is the Managing Director & VP Software Sales Banking Diebold Nixdorf.

He is unambiguous about coming architectures:

The future will be cloud-based. Solutions will be created in an agile way. 

Providing secure end-to-end solutions with global reach requires strong, experienced partners who share this vision.

Diebold Nixdorf chooses Utimaco

Utimaco has been researching ""financial cloud security"" for many years. Based on their industry proven Hardware Security Module technology, Utimaco is lifting HSM technology to the next level in terms of virtualization and application development.

Diebold Nixdorf and Utimaco share the same vision of future architectures.

Utimaco is proud of having been selected as a development partner by one of the global leaders and pacemakers in financial services technology.

Watch the video where Michael Engel talks about the future and Diebold-Nixdorf's cooperation with Utimaco and his ideas of future technology.

References and Further Reading

About the author

Ulrich Scholten is an internationally active entrepreneur and scientist. He holds a PhD in information technology and owns several patents on cloud-based sensors. His research on cloud computing is regularly published in highly rated journals and conference papers. From 2008 - 2015, he was associated research scientist at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI), a partnership by KIT and IBM, where he researched network effects around web-platforms together with SAP Research.

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