Utimaco utilizes ISARA security solutions to offer the first commercial quantum-safe Hardware Security Module

Utimaco utilizes ISARA security solutions to offer the first commercial quantum-safe Hardware Security Module

Aachen and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 2, 2019 – Utimaco, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) that provide the Root of Trust to numerous industries, and ISARA Corporation, the world’s leading provider of agile quantum-safe security solutions, today announced the world’s first commercial quantum-safe Hardware Security Module to secure data and infrastructure against an attack by a quantum computer.

The Utimaco Q-safe firmware extension to the Utimaco CryptoServer is based on a technology partnership with ISARA and enables enterprises and cybersecurity solution providers to begin migrating to quantum-safe security today and facilitates widespread development of quantum-safe products.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology forecasts that current public key cryptography, used to secure the Internet and any devices that connect and transact over it, will be vulnerable to attack by large-scale quantum computers within the next decade. In practice this means that all connected devices currently considered to be secure could be compromised in the near future unless action is taken today. This is especially relevant for human identity documents and critical infrastructures as well as durable Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as connected cars, smart homes, connected cities, FinTech and blockchain applications.

“Utimaco helps to solve tomorrow’s problem of defending durable IoT devices against the new security threats in the wake of the Quantum Age,” said Utimaco’s CEO Stefan Auerbach. “The work we’re doing today is a fundamental building block for the implementation of quantum-safe algorithms. By using these algorithms, we enable cybersecurity solution providers, IoT manufacturers, and other large organizations relying on cryptography to innovate and develop products that are well prepared against the quantum threat.”

“Utimaco has given developers the first opportunity to work with quantum-safe cryptographic solutions in a familiar environment to lay the foundation for a quantum future,” said ISARA CEO and Co-founder Scott Totzke. “ISARA is pleased to collaborate with Utimaco on this first important step toward ensuring data stays private and systems stay secure.”

With the Q-safe firmware extension, integrators and service providers using public key cryptography as part of their product offering can develop quantum-safe solutions that maintain current security measures, while adding post-quantum algorithms to protect high-value assets and confidential data before standards are set.

The Q-safe firmware extension utilizes the ISARA Radiate™ Quantum-safe Toolkit to give security professionals the opportunity to test and evaluate quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms within their existing systems. ISARA has partnered with global security and hardware developers to integrate quantum-safe algorithms and agile technologies into their products.

Starting today, interested parties can download the Q-safe firmware extension and evaluate it as part of the Utimaco HSM Simulator: https://hsm.utimaco.com/products-hardware-security-modules/hsm-simulators/q-safe-hsm-simulator/


UTIMACO ist ein global führender Anbieter von Hochsicherheitstechnologien für Cybersecurity und Compliance-Lösungen und Services mit Hauptsitz in Aachen, Deutschland und Campbell (CA), USA. UTIMACO entwickelt und produziert On-Premise und Cloud-basierte Hardware-Sicherheitsmodule, Lösungen für Schlüsselmanagement, Datenschutz und Identitätsmanagement sowie Data Intelligence-Lösungen für regulierte kritische Infrastrukturen und öffentliche Warnsysteme. In seinen Kernbereichen nimmt UTIMACO eine führende Marktposition ein.

Mehr als 500 Mitarbeiter tragen Verantwortung für Kunden und Bürger weltweit, indem sie innovative Sicherheitslösungen und Services entwickeln, die ihre Daten, Identitäten und Netzwerke schützen. Partner und Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Industrien schätzen die Zuverlässigkeit und langfristige Investitionssicherheit der UTIMACO-Sicherheitslösungen.

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