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Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen

Press Release

Heino Erdmann wird neuer CFO bei Utimaco

Mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2025 hat Heino Erdmann als CFO die finanzielle Verantwortung für den IT-Sicherheitsanbieter Utimaco übernommen.
Press Release

Utimaco KeyBRIDGE POI integrates with Verifone VeriShield Remote Key (VRK) for Encrypted Key Loading

Partnership to deliver the highest level of trust and assurance to financial point of sale (POS) transactions and peace of mind to end customers
Press Release USA

Utimaco Survey Finds 61% of U.S. Consumers Rank Security a #1 Criteria When Choosing Financial Institutions

Research highlights need for financial institutions to act now to restore trust.
Press Release Germany

Utimaco und genua bieten integrierte Lösung für den VS-NfD-konformen Arbeitsplatz

Aufeinander abgestimmte Lösungsbausteine ermöglichen den VS-NfD-konformen Arbeitsplatz für Organisationen aller Größen
Press Release

Utimaco und Nexus schließen Partnerschaft, um kritische Infrastrukturen, mobile Identitäten und IoT zu sichern

Offering Next-Generation Security for IoT and Mobile Identities
Press Release

Das Warnsystem AT-Alert des Landes Wien baut auf die u.warn-Lösung von Utimaco

Vienna is thus relying on a solution that integrates cell broadcast and sirens, among other things, to warn citizens in the event of natural disasters and emergencies.
Press Release

Utimaco Paves Way for Easier HSM Integration with Free Simulator and New HSM Survival Guide

Utimaco introduces HSM simulator to ease development and integration to uses of all experience levels at Black Hat
Press Release

Utimaco erweitert VS-NfD-Portfolio mit LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption

Als einziger Anbieter verfügt Utimaco nun über VS-NfD-Zulassungen für dateibasierte Verschlüsselung, vollständige Festplattenverschlüsselung und HSM.

Aktuelle Blogbeiträge

White house

Executive Order on Strengthening and Promoting Innovation in the Nation’s Cybersecurity - Key Takeaways on PQC

In this blog, we explore the Executive Order's PQC-related strategies, its implementation timeline, and best practices for fulfillment of requirements.
digital abstract of payments

Payment HSM Certifications Explained

This blog explores the key certifications for Payment HSMs, their importance, and how they help organizations navigate the complex world of secure digital payments.
digital cloud

Resolutions for 2025: Why Complete Cloud Security Should Be at the Top of Your List!

Time to Set Your Strategy for Complete Cloud Protection

The Role of HSMs in Code Signing

Code signing is a process of signing a software file with a digital signature.
digital cloud

General Purpose HSMs as a Service securing your Cloud Environment

Discover how GP HSMaaS secures cloud infrastructure, offering enhanced cybersecurity, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility over traditional setups.
a girl is holding a phone

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Signing

The standards mandated by eIDAS work to ensure the integrity of electronic signatures. However, what is also mandated is the need for sufficiently protecting the cryptographic processes.
digital cloud

The Importance of Data Encryption on Public Cloud Platforms - How to Secure Your Information in the Cloud

Reliance on public cloud platforms for storing, sharing and accessing data has become increasingly prevalent. This data is, however, not as private as users may assume.
somebody is clicking on the phone

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Public key infrastructure protects communications between users and website servers. The underlying Hardware Security Modules are the root of trust which protect PKI from being breached.

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