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Blog post

How eIDAS is related to PSD2 & AML4 and relevant for banking & financial services

In this blog post, we will take a look at eIDAS requirements, combined with other legal guidelines and principles as applied in the payment, banking and financial services industry.
Securing the financial cloud
Blog post

Securing the financial cloud

The article describes the design and development of financial cloud architecture for transferring highly sensitive financial transactions via cloud services.
Blog post

eIDAS regulation: do not make the wrong choice when you are picking your HSM

Advances in financial technology are transforming banking as we know it and this spark innovation is changing the approach of this historically traditional sector.
Blog post

Intelligent banking needs a cybersecurity edge

Advances in financial technology are transforming banking as we know it and this spark innovation is changing the approach of this historically traditional sector.
Blog post

The higher purpose of eIDAS: supporting the european digital single market

While it still presents a challenge to many businesses and government institutions, the greater idea behind eIDAS is to strive towards a true digital single market in Europe.
Blog post

Why businesses can’t ignore crypto agility - facing the facts before we’re in a post-quantum world

Today’s encryption algorithms, when pitted against quantum tools, will be considerably less resilient and leave huge amounts of data vulnerable as a result.
What are the common criteria for HSMs
Blog post

What are the common criteria for hardware security modules (HSMs)?

All the critical banking and payment systems incorporate Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) for the protection of user information and business transactions.
pci hsm certificate
Blog post

What is the PCI-HSM certification?

As new threats emerge on a daily basis, it is critical for CIOs, CISOs, and IT Managers to ensure they remain diligent when it comes to safeguarding their environments.
HSM as a service
Blog post

PCI DSS requirements for building and maintaining a secure network and systems

When building and then subsequently maintaining a secure payment network, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (#PCIDSS) recommends that 12 security requirements be met to secure payment data.
blockchain sunset
Blog post

Blockchain - the next 10 years

A decade ago, Satoshi Nakamoto published the bitcoin whitepaper, the spark that started the blockchain fire engulfing us today. Since then the options available and uses of blockchain technology have dramatically expanded.
bucking the trend
Blog post

Bucking the trend – how cloud HSM services can help banks team up with fintech challengers

This article shows how FinTech firms can team up, with cloud-based HSMs as keystone.
Introductiuon into hsm
Blog post

Introduction to hardware security modules (HSM): “FIPS 140-2 tested and certified”

Learn about the requirements specified in the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) PUB 140- 2 outline a total of 11 areas of design and implementation of products in applied cryptography.

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