

Press releases


digital certificate
Blog post

eIDAS 2.0 - Roadmap, Toolbox, and The European Digital Identity Architecture

EUDI Wallets are mobile applications or cloud services that collect and store digital credentials and allow them to be used secretly and securely for numerous government and non-government use cases.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Summarizing BSI's View on Quantum Technologies and Quantum-Proof Cryptography

This article discusses BSI’s view on quantum technologies and quantum-proof cryptography.
NIST digital identity
Blog post

NIST Digital Identity Guidelines & Identity Proofing - Why Using A Public Key Infrastructure Is A Key Requirement

In this article, we outline key requirements from NIST and how the use of a Public Key Infrastructure becomes a necessary requirement in order to adhere to these Guidelines.
Woman typing on Computer
Blog post

Securing The Innovative Digital Payments Of Today

Progress in payments includes accelerating seismic shifts to digital transactions and generating unbounded opportunities for innovation.
Blog post

Authentication in Zero Trust

Authentication in Zero Trust is a critical challenge since it is the first phase before establishing trust and granting access.
Automotive Trust Suite
Blog post

How Secure are connected vehicles?

Given the increasing complexity of the connected vehicle, It is critical to protect smart components and devices from the time they are manufactured until the end of their lifecycle.
HSM as a root of trust
Blog post

Understanding the Role of the HSM as the Root of Trust

HSMs due to their cryptographic ability to securely generate and store keys in a secure, tamper-resistant/evident environment – act as the Root of Trust.
spooky cybersecurity stories
Blog post

6 Spooky Cybersecurity Stories That Will Haunt Your CISO

We examine the consequences of some of the most frightening cyberattacks and how they could have been avoided.
digital icons of humans
Blog post

Identity Management in Zero Trust

Identity is at the core of the Zero Trust Model since it’s the gateway to corporate access and poses a major security risk.
The digital lock
Blog post

The Importance of Cybersecurity

The frequency of cyber-attacks is continuously increasing. Therefore, there is a need to implement reliable cybersecurity solutions and build awareness among employees to effectively manage and respond to cyber-attacks.
Applicability statement stromversorgung
Blog post

Applicability Statement 4 für Stromversorgungsunternehmen in Deutschland

Umstellung der Marktkommunikation auf das sichere Verfahren AS4 mit der Smart Metering PKI und unter Einhaltung der kryptographischen Vorgaben des BSI.
zero trust architecture
Blog post

Introduction to Zero Trust Architecture

Due to the exponential increase in cyber threats and attacks, Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) has become the latest trend in enterprise cybersecurity.

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