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 digital pattern
Blog post

Discussing NSA's Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite 2.0 against Cryptanalytically Relevant Quantum Computers

Recently, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) briefed NSS operators, owners and vendors on what the future requirements are for quantum-resistant algorithms.
light-blurred road
Blog post

How to Leverage the Opportunities and Prepare for the Threats of Quantum Computers in the Automotive Industry

We dive into the opportunities that quantum computing offers automotive industry.
Energy & Utilities
Blog post

How to Leverage the Opportunities and Prepare for the Threats of Quantum Computers in the Energy & Utilities Industry

Quantum computing has emerged as a game-changing technology with the potential to revolutionize various industries.
IDC Study industrial iot
Blog post

Quantum Computing in the IoT Industry: Opportunities and Threats

How to Leverage the Opportunities and Prepare for the Threats That Quantum Computers Could Bring to the IoT Industry
 digital pattern
Blog post

Post Quantum Cryptography: Different Angles to Address an Urgent Matter

In this article, we review post-quantum migration recommendations based on research by security experts from the NSA, BSI, ENISTA and ETSI.
Blog post

Quantum Computing for Banks and Financial Institutions - Transformative Opportunities or a Threat to the IT Security Infrastructure

In this blog, we explain how banks and financial institutions could leverage the opportunities of quantum computing.
 digital pattern
Blog post

A Staged Approach of Migration to Quantum-Safe Schemes - An ETSI Perspective

This article featuring ETSI’s perspective is the fourth in a series of different perspectives on post quantum migration.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Quantum Mitigation and Integration into Existing Protocols - an ENISA perspective

In this article, we focus on ENISA’s perspective on quantum mitigation and integration into existing protocols.
IDC Studie Cybersecurity
Blog post

Five Questions to Stefan Auerbach on the Business Value of Cybersecurity and What Actions to Take

This interview with Stefan Auerbach, CEO of Utimaco, was conducted by IDC, and was first published in the IDC Executive Brief: Cybersecurity in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland 2022.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Wie das BSI Quanten-Technologien und Post-Quanten- Kryptografie einschätzt

Dieser Artikel fasst die Perspektive vom BSI über Quanten-Technologie und Post-Quanten-Kryptografie zusammen.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Understanding and planning for a post-quantum security ecosystem

Although we cannot predict exactly when digital crime will become a threat, we can realistically expect that the majority of companies will have at least five years to prepare.
Itan Barmes (Deloitte) - We need to Face the Quantum Risk Now!
Blog post

Itan Barmes (Deloitte) - We need to Face the Quantum Risk Now! - Utimaco

Itan Barmes, a cybersecurity expert at Deloitte, points out that most companies have not prepared their security infrastructure, algorithms and HSMs for the post-quantum era.

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