Dawn Illing

Dawn Illing Author

Dawn Illing is a product development manager with over 25 years of product management and development experience in the banking, insurance and cyber security industries.

Dawn's has worked internationally across EMEA in banking, insurance and cyber security industries. By working cross-border across Europe, this has inspired her interest in cross-border digital identity and cyber security, including the interoperable requirements that necessitate successful delivery of digital product and market solutions.

"Particularly in light of the digital revolution, the area of product development is one that is both fascinating and lucrative. The opportunities for developing creative products are virtually limitless given the speed at which technology is developing and the increased availability of digital tools and platforms".
"The foundation of digital transformation is digital identity - both a strategic business requirement as well as a technology challenge. Digital identity holds the key to releasing the digital revolution's full potential".

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Articles by Dawn Illing

digital certificate
Blog post

eIDAS 2.0 - Roadmap, Toolbox, and The European Digital Identity Wallet Architecture

EUDI Wallets are mobile applications or cloud services that collect and store digital credentials and allow them to be used secretly and securely for numerous government and non-government use cases.
Digital ID
Blog post

eIDAS 2.0 - Introduction to The European Digital Identity Wallet & The Evolution of Self-Sovereign Identity

The European Commission proposed an update to its pan-European digital identity framework. It will enable every European to have a set of digital identity credentials that are recognized all across the EU.
A doctor holding a tablet with digital icons
Blog post

5G Security in Connected Hospitals

Every component of a 5G network must have security measures in place to mitigate many of the threats encountered in the era of the 5G network.
Big Wide Data
Blog post

Open Banking + Open Finance = Big & Wide Data

As Open Finance is the next step in the Open Banking journey, we look at how this acceleration could reshape the financial services ecosystem, revolutionizing the way financial service providers operate and the significant benefits of big and wide data.
Combating Fraud in BNPL Ecosystem
Blog post

Combating Fraud in a Skyrocketing Buy Now, Pay Later Ecosystem

An overview on why buy now, pay later (BNPL) services are popular among more than just consumers. They’re also proving to be an extremely attractive target among criminals.
Internet of Medical Things
Blog post

How important are Digital Certificates for eHealth and the Internet of Medical Things?

Medical devices have been and will continue to be attractive targets for hackers, and the consequences can be disastrous. How can they be secured?
Electronic ID
Blog post

Electronic Identity (eID): Government versus Privatization - A European / United States comparison

This article highlights two very different digital identity strategies, as well as the various differences between a government-managed and a privatized solution.
a man pointing on a digital lock
Blog post

The Importance of Managing and Securing Digital Identities

Organizations are dealing with significant increases in the use of digital identities, and ensuring that the proper security and privacy of these identities that are implemented is critical.
a man checking his phone
Blog post

UK e-commerce Businesses - Are you ready for the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Deadline?

Organizations with an online presence must ensure that they are fully prepared for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance for e-commerce transactions.

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