Ulrich Scholten

Ulrich Scholten Author

Ulrich Scholten, an internationally active entrepreneur and scientist. He holds a PhD in information technology and owns several patents on cloud-based sensors.

Ulrich's research on cloud computing is regularly published in highly rated journals and conference papers. From 2008 - 2015, he was associated research scientist at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI), a partnership by KIT and IBM, where he researched network effects around web-platforms together with SAP Research.

He has been active in Cybersecurity since 2015.

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Articles by Ulrich Scholten

light-blurred road
Blog post

How to Leverage the Opportunities and Prepare for the Threats of Quantum Computers in the Automotive Industry

We dive into the opportunities that quantum computing offers automotive industry.
Cloud & Cloud Service Providers Data Security in the Cloud
Blog post

The Importance of Data Encryption on Public Cloud Platforms - How to Secure Your Information in the Cloud

Reliance on public cloud platforms for storing, sharing and accessing data has become increasingly prevalent. This data is, however, not as private as users may assume.
laptop with bank and atm icons
Blog post

What is an HSM-based Payment Server

This article explains what a payment HSM is, the need for it to be within PCI compliance under PCI Hardware Security Module (HSM), and the importance of being PCI-HSM-certified. 
Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform
Blog post

Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform - Utimaco

Digital transformation is on the rise and so is the need for HSMs. This requires a cloud-agnostic HSM solution that is able to seamlessly bridge the gap between on-premise and cloud deployments.
7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs
Blog post

7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs to Gain Force in a Disrupting Finance Market - Utimaco

How you can reduce total cost of ownership by upgrading and consolidating to more performant HSM infrastructures to enable a targeted and enforced pursuit of the corporate goals.
Blog Gartner Top Security and Risk Trends
Blog post

Top Security and Risk Trends implications on Cybersecurity Architecture

Gartner recently published their 2021 cyber security report that shows important risk trends in cybersecurity. This article discusses what implications these trends have on cybersecurity architecture.
Watch now: The Path for Cloudifiying Payment HSMs
Blog post

Watch Now: The Path for Cloudifying Payment HSMs - Utimaco

Leverage the breadth of benefits in the cloud. Overview of options for meeting all PCI PIN compliance requirements and moving payment HSMs to the cloud.

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