Utimaco Customer

Soft Space

Soft Space,a leading global fintech firm based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was established in 2012.

With over 90 financial institutions and partners across more than 30 global markets, Soft Space provides fintech-as-a-service (FaaS), streamlining the financial infrastructure of banks, neobanks, and fintechs around the world. Its Digital Payment Hub offers comprehensive acceptance solutions (including SoftPOS) as well as white label issuing
and digital wallet solutions. Notably, Soft Space is the first to introduce the Tap on Mobile solution in the ASEAN region, and supports Android, iOS, and HarmonyOS platforms.

Perfil de la empresa

Perfil de la empresa

Información sobre la cooperación

Información sobre la cooperación

The Challenges

There were two main challenges to be tackled- Firstly, HSM manufacturers placed many additional requirements for them to be effective, which complicated implementation – a situation that Soft Space wanted to avoid. Secondly, not every HSM manufacturer were transparent with its costs as – Soft Space uncovered several additional fees to be charged after initial implementation.

The Decision-Making Process

Soft Space subscribed to Utimaco’s MYHSM through its partner, SecureMetric. MYHSM provides a suite of PCI PIN compliant features and a fully managed Payment HSMs-as-a-Service based on the Utimaco Atalla AT1000 and Thales payShield 10K. This way, Soft Space did not have to operate an estate of on-premise HSMs.


With the Atalla AT1000 as its on-premise/non-SaaS HSM, Soft Space has gained an advantageous position for its upcoming projects and certifications, increasing turnaround time as well as overall performance. There are also fewer concerns in compliance-related activities, increased business intelligence, and a better work process for the key and usage design of their products.

Download our Case Study with Soft Space below to get all the details.

Productos Utimaco

Productos Utimaco



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