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Press releases

Press Release
Press release

Security of Utimaco’s HSM, CryptoServer CP5, recognized by CCN

The CCN, National Cryptologic Center, includes CryptoServer CP5 in its catalog of STIC products and services (CPSTIC) within the highest category of its qualified ICT security products.
Press Release
Press release

Utimaco appoints Hacan Tiwemark as Chief Operating Officer

New appointment reflects Utimaco’s strategic ambition to significantly increase its Solution and as-a-Service business in the coming years.
Press Release
Press release

Looking Ahead: Three Key Trends in Cybersecurity for 2023

2023 will be a year in which Companies will be concentrating on the Essentials of their Security Setup – their Supply Chain, the Safety of their Data in the Cloud and their Ability to switch to new Forms of Encryption.
Press Release
Press release

Remote key injection solution enables retailers to cost save and maximise flexibility of POS device management

Spencer Technologies and Utimaco have partnered, enabling retailers to outsource compliance audit obligations for key injection facilities and complex logistics of chain of custody.
Press Release
Press release

Neue Studie im Auftrag von Utimaco: Anhaltende Herausforderungen schmälern das Cybersicherheits-Engagement von DACH-Unternehmen

DACH-Unternehmen haben erkannt, dass Cybersicherheit die Grundlage für digitales Vertrauen und Geschäftswachstum ist und investieren in entsprechende strategische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Jedoch erschweren ihnen Herausforderungen wie IT- und Sicherheitskomplexität sowie Fachkräftemangel die Umsetzung.
Press release

Utimaco Expands Collaboration with Microsoft by joining the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association

Utimaco Expands Collaboration with Microsoft by joining the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association
Press release

CLOWD9, the world’s first cloud native, decentralized, issuer processing platform, chooses Utimaco’s MYHSM Payment HSM-as-a-Service

Utimaco, a leading global provider of IT security solutions, announces that it has been selected by CLOWD9 as a service provider for a cloud-based Payment Hardware Security Module (HSM).
Press release

Utimaco raises the bar in automotive security, partnering with Hansen Motorsport AB this Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Utimaco is sponsoring Hansen Motorsport AB’s World RX Team this Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a decision that not only allows them to support one of Europe’s most innovative electric rallycross teams but draw attention to the underappreciated field of automotive cybersecurity.

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