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Press releases

Press Release Singapore
Press release

[Singapore] New research from cybersecurity experts Utimaco uncovers vast regional disparities in consumer trust in digital security

The new edition of the ‘Circles of Trust’ series, a new whitepaper from Utimaco, reveals Singapore’s cybersecurity readiness and fortifies digital security is essential as the city state transforms into a Smart Nation.
Press Release UK
Press release

[UK] New research from cybersecurity experts Utimaco uncovers vast regional disparities in consumer trust in digital security

Today’s societies are increasingly digitally connected, with 66% of the world’s populations owning mobile devices and 38% of respondents using smart devices.
Press Release
Press release

Utimaco and KOSTAL partner to secure Software-Defined Vehicles

Utimaco and KOSTAL Automobil Elektrik have been working together to provide an Automotive Vault solution that addresses the requirements to incorporate next-generation key management and other enterprise-grade cybersecurity systems into vehicles.
Press Release
Press release

Utimaco celebrates 40-year milestone as leader and pioneer in IT security

Four decades of trust in digital space
Press Release
Press release

Denmark’s S!RENEN Public Warning System uses Utimaco’s u.warn solution

The Danish Ministry of Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) has adopted Utimaco’s u.warn solution module Command Post as the Cell Broadcast Entity (CBE) to manage and control early warnings dissemination in Denmark.
Press Release
Press release

Utimaco acquires German data protection specialist conpal

Utimaco can offer its customers a complete portfolio for IT security from a single source in the areas of data encryption, hardware security modules, key management and public key infrastructure (PKI) in highly regulated areas.
Press Release
Press release

Utimaco and Digital Realty collaborate to offer joint data center security solutions for mission critical cyber security services

The collaboration enables both partners to offer certified cloud environments for mission critical cyber security services.
Press Release
Press release

Security of Utimaco’s HSM, CryptoServer CP5, recognized by CCN

The CCN, National Cryptologic Center, includes CryptoServer CP5 in its catalog of STIC products and services (CPSTIC) within the highest category of its qualified ICT security products.

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