Dawn Illing

Dawn Illing Author

Dawn Illing is a product development manager with over 25 years of product management and development experience in the banking, insurance and cyber security industries.

Dawn's has worked internationally across EMEA in banking, insurance and cyber security industries. By working cross-border across Europe, this has inspired her interest in cross-border digital identity and cyber security, including the interoperable requirements that necessitate successful delivery of digital product and market solutions.

"Particularly in light of the digital revolution, the area of product development is one that is both fascinating and lucrative. The opportunities for developing creative products are virtually limitless given the speed at which technology is developing and the increased availability of digital tools and platforms".
"The foundation of digital transformation is digital identity - both a strategic business requirement as well as a technology challenge. Digital identity holds the key to releasing the digital revolution's full potential".

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Articles by Dawn Illing

Macsec in car communication
Blog post

How to achieve secure in-car communication

Here we look at new advancements in technology with a focus on automotive cybersecurity solutions for in-vehicle communication.
Manufacturing & IoT
Blog post

Cybersecurity in the Vehicle Manufacturing Industry

As the manufacturing industry becomes smarter, the cybersecurity protocols used to protect connected IoT devices and components also need to adapt and be built in at the manufacturing level.
Digital ID
Blog post

eIDAS 2.0. Moving Closer - European Digital Identity Wallet (EDIW) and Pilot Implementation

The European Commission has now proceeded to test technical specifications for the Common Toolbox for European Digital Identity and a prototype of a Digital Identity Wallet.
On premise data security in retail
Blog post

Cybersecurity In Retail Payments

This article explores the current state of cybersecurity in retail, the reasons why retailers are vulnerable to cyber crimes, and the various payment security challenges they endure.
NIST digital identity
Blog post

NIST Digital Identity Guidelines & Identity Proofing - Why Using A Public Key Infrastructure Is A Key Requirement

In this article, we outline key requirements from NIST and how the use of a Public Key Infrastructure becomes a necessary requirement in order to adhere to these Guidelines.
Woman typing on Computer
Blog post

Securing The Innovative Digital Payments Of Today

Progress in payments includes accelerating seismic shifts to digital transactions and generating unbounded opportunities for innovation.
Automotive Trust Suite
Blog post

How Secure are connected vehicles?

Given the increasing complexity of the connected vehicle, It is critical to protect smart components and devices from the time they are manufactured until the end of their lifecycle.
spooky cybersecurity stories
Blog post

6 Spooky Cybersecurity Stories That Will Haunt Your CISO

We examine the consequences of some of the most frightening cyberattacks and how they could have been avoided.
women looking at a credit card
Blog post

DORA: Impact on Financial Institutions and ICT Providers

The European Commission's legislation aims to create EU-wide laws to ensure the operational resilience of the financial services industry.

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