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Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Public key infrastructure protects communications between users and website servers. The underlying Hardware Security Modules are the root of trust which protect PKI from being breached.
Blog post

How to select an HSM vendor

As the choice of HSMs is dependent on the specific application it is used for, we make some general recommendations by providing a list of potential criteria to take into account, irrespective of what you intend to use it for.
digital avatar
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Identities for Humans

eIDAS created standards for trust services to ensure that digital identities, including those for humans remain secure. Here we will examine the role that HSMs play in securing digital identities for humans.
European Digital Identity Trust Framework
Blog post

The European Digital Identity Trust Framework & Qualified Trust Services

This article explains the Trust Framework and the ‘digital wallet’ requirement for remote eIDAS qualified electronic signatures, seals and qualified signature creation devices (QSCDs).
Blog post

NIST's Hybrid Mode Approach to Post-Quantum Computing - why crypto agility is crucial

The importance of cryptography has acquired considerable prominence due to the requirement of security mechanisms such as confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation in modern data communications.
Blog post

An Introduction to the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication – Part 3: Achieving Transactional & Account Security

eIDAS has been designed to allow for seamless (cross-border) operations while ensuring technological neutrality and flexibility in terms of how its minimum standards need to be met.
Blog post

An Introduction to the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication – Part 2: PSD2

eIDAS has been designed to allow for seamless (cross-border) operations while ensuring technological neutrality and flexibility in terms of how its minimum standards need to be met.
Blog post

An Introduction to the Regulatory Technical Standards for Strong Customer Authentication – Part 1: eIDAS

eIDAS has been designed to allow for seamless (cross-border) operations while ensuring technological neutrality and flexibility in terms of how its minimum standards need to be met.
Blog post

State of Symmetric & Hash Algorithms after Quantum Computing

The importance of cryptography is increasing. The formalization of quantum computing platforms poses serious threats to the cryptographic algorithms. Be informed about the omplications of quantum computing on the present cryptography.
Blog post

eIDAS: The Advantages of QES as compared to AES

Know the main requirements that must be met to be complient for Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signatures with eIDAS electronic transactions in the European internal market.
Blog post

Secure Transactions with eIDAS

Under eIDAS, the EU aims to facilitate cross-border digital transactions and pave the way for a Digital Single Market. Qualified electronic signatures and seals play a decisive role with this goal. Read in our article how to benefit from eIDAS.
Blog post

How high-trust industries are benefiting from e-signatures

Using an e-signature solution with a Hardware Security Module (HSM) ensures that cryptographic keys and digital identities are secured centrally .

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