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digital icons presenting money
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Credit Card-Based Payment and Retail Banking

Most standard card payment systems utilize what is called the “Four Corners” model. This model relies on the secure environments provided by HSMs to protect the numerous cryptographic keys and cryptographic operations.
a machine with icons around
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Identities for Machines

Humans are not the only ones that need the security of a digital identity. Machines used in digital transactions are a target for hackers, necessitating the protection that digital identities provide for all stakeholders in order to prevent security breaches.
a girl is holding a phone
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Signing

The standards mandated by eIDAS work to ensure the integrity of electronic signatures. However, what is also mandated is the need for sufficiently protecting the cryptographic processes.
digital avatar
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Identities for Humans

eIDAS created standards for trust services to ensure that digital identities, including those for humans remain secure. Here we will examine the role that HSMs play in securing digital identities for humans.
locker icons
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Symmetric Key Encryption

Organizations face an ever-present risk of data breaches as digital transformations continue to flourish in the business scape. Encryption plays a critical part in mitigating business risks and keeping data safe.
shopping basket icon
Blog post

The Buy Now, Pay Later Revolution

What is Buy Now, Pay Later? BNPL for short is known as installment payments and point-of-sale financing (POSF). Offering buyers credit as part of a purchase has been around since antiquity and therefore, what we are seeing is an explosion of a new variant.
somebody is clicking on the phone
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Public key infrastructure protects communications between users and website servers. The underlying Hardware Security Modules are the root of trust which protect PKI from being breached.
connected square blocks
Blog post

Finance companies are embracing blockchain – and they need to stay secure

Given the sheer scale of cybercrime, which could cost the world $10.5 trillion a year by 2025, a paradigm shift in the way we secure data is long overdue. Blockchain technology may be one way to achieve this: with blockchain technology security is ‘baked in’.
digital map with icons
Blog post

The Open Finance Ecosystem & the Standards for Secure Identification & Sharing of Data

Open Finance is seen as the natural evolution to Open Banking - extending the use of open data beyond traditional payment accounts to encompass an individual’s complete financial landscape, putting control in the hands of the customer and promoting full financial inclusion.
Understanding Supply Chain Attacks - What You Need to Know
Blog post

Understanding Supply Chain Attacks - What You Need to Know

Supply chain attacks are nothing new. However, these attacks have become more organized since the early part of 2020. Now, cybercriminals have turned their focus to suppliers versus organizations to make a far greater impact with damages.
Understanding Supply Chain Attacks - How to Protect Your Supply
Blog post

Understanding Supply Chain Attacks - How to Protect Your Supply

Supply chain attacks threatened the interconnectedness of global markets. It is common for multiple customers to rely on the same supplier. Therefore, a single cyberattack could potentially have a large-scale national or cross-border impact.
eskm stage safe door
Blog post

FIPS Certified Encryption Keys for Federal Cybersecurity

Data at rest protection made easy with Utimaco ESKM

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