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LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption and DORA – Building Cyber Resilience and Security

Complying to the Digital Operational Resilience Act with reliable file and folder encryption

Building your cyber resilience and security with reliable file encryption by Utimaco 

The financial sector has become an increasingly attractive target for cyber-attacks, requiring robust measures to protect institutions, stakeholders, and market participants in the EU financial sector. Recognizing the need to ensure the continued operability of this critical sector, the European Union has introduced a harmonized framework for cybersecurity and resilience with a specific focus on financial institutions – the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

This document covers the essentials of DORA and how to comply, including:

  • DORA’s definition and guidelines
  • The timeline
  • Who is affected
  • What areas affected organizations will need to address

The DORA legislative text outlines a list of requirements, guidelines, and specifications that financial institutions must follow. In the brochure, we have highlighted the key articles that address cybersecurity requirements – including how to achieve an appropriate level of security with our file and folder encryption u.trust LAN Crypt.

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