Future ready digital infrastructures
Energy & Utilities

Future-ready Digital Infrastructures

The shift towards connected infrastructures and environments in Energy & Utilities is in the midst of rapid change and is expected to continue to accelerate until the end of the decade. As a part of critical infrastructure, the security of individual components, as well as the data that is produced within the Energy and Utility sector is a high priority.

Digital Infrastructures in the Energy and Utility sectors are largely similar to those in other industries: A network of connected devices, databases, networks, software, and so on, is the key foundation for full transparency across the entire infrastructure. The constant exchange of information between connected entities provides the capability to plan and balance the required resources (whether it is the supply of water, gas, energy, or human resources for executing service and maintenance works). Valuable statistics from historic data, as well as reliable predictions for the future, can be derived from the enormous amount of data created.

In comparison to digital infrastructures in other industries, the need for reliable protection of all connected endpoints including the data generated, exchanged, used, and stored is even more crucial, as targeted attacks may affect huge parts of the civil population and companies receiving energy, water, gas, or are reliant on the constant services of the Energy and Utility sector.


Applications for Future-ready Digital Infrastructures in Energy & Utilities


Public Key Infrastructures

The building block for establishing a trustworthy and secure environment of connected entities. PKI is the foundation for secure authentication of entities, confidentiality in their communication, and integrity of data generated and exchanged by them.


Hardware Security Module for General Purpose Use Cases

Enables key generation, storage, and exchange. Addresses various performance levels and physical security requirements while fulfilling compliance and regulatory mandates.


Key Injection

Secures payment processes and identities of smart devices by injecting keys generated by HSMs.


Zero Trust Security

In a Zero Trust Architecture, continuous validation at every stage of a digital transaction is required. This overcomes limitations of other principles built upon implied trust zones and limits the risk of internal and external threats.


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