

Press releases

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a digital lock
Blog post

A Comprehensive guide to navigating data encryption across EU regulations

We explain the importance of file and folder encryption and how it helps to comply with various EU regulations.
blue background
Blog post

Defend Your Data: Essential Steps to Combat Quantum Computing Risks

The future of cybersecurity faces a monumental challenge: quantum computing.
a digital cloud with a lock
Blog post

Ensuring Secure Migration to Multi-Cloud Environments

We dive into best practices for reducing security risks, helping to safeguard your organization's valuable data and resources.
Blog post

Key Management Migration to the Cloud - Basics explained

We explore the essential methods for deciding on the right Key Management Solution, to ensure control and security over your sensitive data in the cloud.
digital mark
Blog post

NIST’s final PQC standards are here – What you need to know

After years of rigorous evaluation and public feedback, these standards are now ready for use, signaling a new era in cryptography designed to withstand the potential threats posed by quantum computing.
a women typing on laptop
Blog post

The role of TLS/SSL certificates and Certificate Authorities for online communication and identities

We explore how SSL/TLS certificates and CAs work together to create a secure online environment, the historical evolution of web security, and the potential risks when this trust is compromised.
Lawful interception Test Suite (LITS)
Blog post

The role of lawful interception activities in intelligence services, law enforcement agencies and their monitoring centers

We explore the requirements and significance of LI activities, highlighting their indispensable role in modern policing and intelligence operations.
a digital sign
Blog post

Auswahl der richtigen Cybersecurity-Tools zur Einhaltung des Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Auswahl der richtigen Cybersecurity-Tools zur Einhaltung des Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Trsut as a service teaser
Blog post

The As a Service Business Model - A New Way to Consume Cybersecurity

Fully managed as-a-service offerings are now at the forefront of the cybersecurity landscape.
Utimaco and InfoSec Global
Blog post

The Looming Quantum Migration: Why Cryptography Inventory is Essential

The cryptography landscape is on the verge of a seismic shift. The rise of quantum computing threatens to render these classical algorithms obsolete.
pqc general
Blog post

Types of Post Quantum Cryptography Public Key Schemes and what to expect from the NIST Standardization Process

We're looking at the type of cryptography based on certain “hard mathematical problems” that are considered secure against quantum computers.
HSM as a root of trust
Blog post

How HSMs support secure multi-tenancy?

The use of HSMs for the security of business applications has been mandatory. To secure a large number of clients within an HSM, multi-tenant HSM architectures are getting popular as they promise robust performance.

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