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eIDAS & Strong Customer Authentication – Securing Europe’s Digital Payments Landscape
Blog post

eIDAS & Strong Customer Authentication – Securing Europe’s Digital Payments Landscape

With compliance in strong customer authentication requirements and secure communication under PSD2 conditions improve the security of your payment services across the European Union.
Blog post

It’s all about the Trust – The Role of eIDAS in International Trade and Trade Finance

Banks play a key role in international trade and supply chains are very complex. eIDAS can create trust through qualified electronic signatures and enables different parties to establish a secure trade transaction.
Blog post

eIDAS, PSD2 and The Digitization of International Trade

To ensure a smooth flow of goods and services, trade is now being digitized. eIDAS adds more functionality and trust to digitization tools like qualified electronic signatures and seals, electronic timestamps and electronic registered delivery services.
Blog post

Secure Transactions with eIDAS

Under eIDAS, the EU aims to facilitate cross-border digital transactions and pave the way for a Digital Single Market. Qualified electronic signatures and seals play a decisive role with this goal. Read in our article how to benefit from eIDAS.
Blog post

Trends and observations from RSA Conference San Francisco 2019

Utimaco attended the RSA Conference in 2019 and we made some observations regarding the changes that are expected in the cyber-security industry.
Blog post

How high-trust industries are benefiting from e-signatures

Using an e-signature solution with a Hardware Security Module (HSM) ensures that cryptographic keys and digital identities are secured centrally .
Blog post

Crypto agility - How to determine your timeline for post-quantum preparation

There is a significant uncertainty when it comes to the impact of quantum computing on modern cryptography. Michele Mosca has offered a theorem that may be the key to successfully determining your path to post-quantum preparation.
Blog post

The Gateway to SEPA

Read in this article how the Bank of Lithuania offers one of the most powerful payment systems wich offers the newest instant SEPA payment features and became the favoured destination for foreign banks and FinTechs.
Blog post

European FinTech Innovation and Opportunities

In this article we look at just a few of the many opportunities in the financial services space and how the Bank of Lithuania has positioned itself to leverage them.
Blog post

Innovation in Payments – How Lithuania is leading the way

Bank of Lithuania has created an ecosystem that attracts FinTech innovation and financial services companies. Read more about the bank and its PSD2-based ecosystem for FinTechs in this article.
Blog post

Bank of Lithuania opens up their payment infrastructure – disrupting the European financial market

Martynas Rajunčius describes the steps that helped the Bank of Lithuania to open up their infrastructure to payment services for banks and non-banks under PSD2 frame.
Blog post

How Entrust Datacard pioneers the road to post-quantum with Utimaco - in spite of all uncertainties

Sandy Carielli faces all the unanswered questions, to advice Entrust Datacard's partners and customers on how to move forward in the context of post-quantum cryptography.

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