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Electronic ID
Blog post

Electronic Identity (eID): Government versus Privatization - A European / United States comparison

This article highlights two very different digital identity strategies, as well as the various differences between a government-managed and a privatized solution.
a man is paying with qr code
Blog post

Understanding QR codes for payments

Recently, a new trend in payments has emerged: paying with QR codes. Find out what QR codes are and how they work.
a man pointing on a digital lock
Blog post

The Importance of Managing and Securing Digital Identities

Organizations are dealing with significant increases in the use of digital identities, and ensuring that the proper security and privacy of these identities that are implemented is critical.
a computer with digital icons around
Blog post

Payments as a Service - How Banks Can Lead the Race

When it comes to offering payments as a service, banks have so much to gain by leading the race. Alternatively, they have so much to lose if they do not take the lead.
Blog post

How to select an HSM vendor

As the choice of HSMs is dependent on the specific application it is used for, we make some general recommendations by providing a list of potential criteria to take into account, irrespective of what you intend to use it for.
laptop with bank and atm icons
Blog post

An Introduction to Payments as a Service

Explaining Payments as a Service and how PSD2 is paving the way to make payments easier and enhancing protections for consumers.
ABI Research awards
Blog post

Utimaco named the Overall Leader and Top Implementer in the HSM Market by ABI Research

The latest Hardware Security Module, OEM competitive assessment by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research, announced Utimaco as the overall leader in the HSM market.
a man checking his phone
Blog post

UK e-commerce Businesses - Are you ready for the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Deadline?

Organizations with an online presence must ensure that they are fully prepared for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance for e-commerce transactions.
Blog post

Banking as a Service – With the Right Technical Foundation a Scalable Digital End-to-End Opportunity Exists

This article explains the concept of Banking-as-a-Service and how with the right technical foundation incumbent banks can benefit.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Understanding and planning for a post-quantum security ecosystem

Although we cannot predict exactly when digital crime will become a threat, we can realistically expect that the majority of companies will have at least five years to prepare.
numbers on a black background
Blog post

Concrete Applications of Tokenization in Payment Processes (2/2)

In this article, we describe various applications of tokenization in card-not-present transactions – when plastic cards become digital tokens.
digital key on a dark background
Blog post

What is Key Escrow, and how can it be used properly?

Key Escrow will ensure the data you have lost, will be recoverable. Unlike an emergency cash reserve hidden under the mattress, a cryptographic Key Escrow must be established and handled properly in order to remain effective.

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