Utimaco & evolutionQ set standards by taking Post-Quantum Crypto Open Source

Utimaco & evolutionQ set standards by taking Post-Quantum Crypto Open Source

Vancouver, Canada, Aachen, Germany (May 15, 2019) – evolutionQ, provider of quantum-safe security solutions, Utimaco, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) and the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project announced the successful demonstration of quantum-resistant cryptography running on an Utimaco CryptoServer. The Open Quantum Safe project is an open-source cryptography toolkit composed of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms from various cybersecurity companies and universities. These cryptographic algorithms are currently being evaluated by the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization Process.

“The complete range of Utimaco HSMs — from the most powerful HSM in the cloud to the free HSM simulator – are all based on the most versatile, future-proof crypto programming platform in the market: Utimaco CryptoServer”, says Thorsten Groetker, Utimaco’s CTO. “I am excited to work with leading experts in the post-quantum crypto field, like Michele Mosca, enabling our customers to experience true crypto agility en route to quantum-safe cyber security solutions.”

“It is critical that companies who rely on cybersecurity products like HSMs start planning their upgrade path to use cryptography that is resilient to attacks by quantum computation.”, said Michele Mosca, CEO and Co-Founder of evolutionQ. “The Open Quantum Safe project is an excellent and freely available resource to help companies upgrade to post-quantum cryptography in their cybersecurity systems. evolutionQ was able to demonstrate the versatility of libOQS by running it within the security perimeter of the Utimaco CryptoServer. Cryptography is used everywhere, it protects connected cars, smart homes, connected medical devices and critical infrastructure. It is important that organizations start to evaluate their readiness to shift to quantum-safe cryptography.”

“Public key cryptography is essential in securing all Internet communications.” said Douglas Stebila, head of the Open Quantum Safe project. “For example, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol uses public key cryptography to protect every “https” web page for entering passwords or credit card numbers. However, most of today’s public key algorithms used in practice are based on mathematical problems — such as factoring, discrete logarithms, or elliptic curves — which could be broken by a quantum computer. The Open Quantum Safe project contains only cryptography that is designed to be resistant to quantum computational attacks.”

To learn more about the Open Quantum Safe project running on the Utimaco CryptoServer and see the demonstration, please contact Utimaco or evolutionQ.


UTIMACO ist ein global führender Anbieter von Hochsicherheitstechnologien für Cybersecurity und Compliance-Lösungen und Services mit Hauptsitz in Aachen, Deutschland und Campbell (CA), USA. UTIMACO entwickelt und produziert On-Premise und Cloud-basierte Hardware-Sicherheitsmodule, Lösungen für Schlüsselmanagement, Datenschutz und Identitätsmanagement sowie Data Intelligence-Lösungen für regulierte kritische Infrastrukturen und öffentliche Warnsysteme. In seinen Kernbereichen nimmt UTIMACO eine führende Marktposition ein.

Mehr als 500 Mitarbeiter tragen Verantwortung für Kunden und Bürger weltweit, indem sie innovative Sicherheitslösungen und Services entwickeln, die ihre Daten, Identitäten und Netzwerke schützen. Partner und Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Industrien schätzen die Zuverlässigkeit und langfristige Investitionssicherheit der UTIMACO-Sicherheitslösungen.

About evolutionQ

From Quantum Vulnerable to Quantum-Safe, evolutionQ is leading the way. Our product and service offerings are designed to help keep organizations informed, prepared, and safe against the rapidly evolving quantum threat. evolutionQ promotes sensible and orderly migration to Quantum-Safe cybersecurity systems with a primary focus on immediate exposures in financial and government sectors.
To learn more, visit us at www.evolutionQ.com

About the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) Project

The Open Quantum Safe Project is an open-source software initiative led by the University of Waterloo that aims to support the development and prototyping of cryptography that resists attacks by quantum computers. All our development is done on GitHub. We welcome contributions of new implementations and algorithms, integrations of libOQS into new applications and protocols, wrappers of libOQS into language-specific libraries and help with code review and analysis.
To learn more, visit us at openquantumsafe.org

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