eskm stage safe door

FIPS Certified Encryption Keys for Federal Cybersecurity

Data at rest protection made easy with Utimaco ESKM.

Security leaders across the public sector, especially those from the federal agencies,  are increasingly challenged to protect sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, billing data and citizen records from threats by hostile parties and accidental disclosure.  If the agency fails to prove that the data and the lifecycle management of their encryption keys are well managed and protected under verifiable control, the organization could face penalties and public outcry.

Data encryption is a proven solution to an organization’s response to emerging security threats and regulatory compliance mandates. While some agencies have already implemented controls by encrypting data, managing the associated encryption keys throughout the lifecycle is quickly becoming a challenge.

A unified data protection strategy protects sensitive data wherever it resides.  A centralized key management solution will create and manage keys securely,  offering the peace of mind by meeting stringent standards, audits and compliance.

Centralized key management is deployed as a hub-and-spoke architecture.  A clustered centralized key manager can handle millions of key objects securely,  expose various standard protocols that enable client encryption and decryption throughout the enterprise network.  Once integrated, encryption and decryption of the data is performed locally, minimizing the risk of a network or single point of failure. The key manager must manage the generation, secure storage, rotation, export, and retirement of the keys for encryption at the spokes, providing interoperability and scalability.

Utimaco’s Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM) comes to rescue by providing a hardware-based solution for centralized key management.  With ESKM, federal agencies can protect data from organized attacks, misuse, and data breach exposure that might result in the loss of sensitive material and bad press.

ESKM secures encryption keys and offers centralized key management, saving time and money. With the latest ESKM 8 - a certified Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) v2.1 offering with out-of-the-box support for partner applications and pre-qualified solutions,  you may take advantage of secure key management at multiple FIPS certification levels and enormous capacity for more than 2 million keys, over 25,000 clients and thousands of ESKM hardware or virtual appliances. 

Test drive the FIPS 140-2 compliant ESKM 8 to see how it can strengthen information security for sensitive environment and support centralized key management for your home grown and third-party applications.   

May the force be with the root of trust for your organization!

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