Securing the financial cloud

Securing the financial cloud

Together with a consortium of four companies and a university, Utimaco has been researching since March 1, 2014. The aim of the project is to design and develop financial cloud architecture for transferring highly sensitive financial transactions via cloud services.

With the help of different disciplines (an ATM Vendor, a processing center, and an embedded security specialist) it is possible to design the necessary infrastructure.

The project itself is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with an overall budget of 2.5M Euros.

Utimaco will provide different kinds of working packages and results to support the global vision of this cloud service. Based on Utimaco’s industry proven Hardware Security Module technology, Utimaco will raise the HSM technology to the next level in terms of virtualization and application development.

We will keep on providing updates and news about this concept of running a virtual machine inside an HSM-secured boundary, and give detailed information about the use case to build a financial transaction network base on cloud services

Securing the Financial Cloud


An early version of this article was first published on March 10, 2014

About the author

Ulrich Scholten ist ein international tätiger Unternehmer und Wissenschaftler. Sie hat einen Doktortitel in Informationstechnologie und besitzt mehrere Patente für cloudbasierte Sensoren. Seine Forschung zum Thema Cloud Computing wird regelmäßig in renommierten Zeitschriften und Konferenzbeiträgen veröffentlicht. Von 2008 bis 2015 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI), einer Partnerschaft von KIT und IBM, wo er gemeinsam mit SAP Research Netzwerkeffekte im Zusammenhang mit Webplattformen erforschte.

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