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Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform
Blog post

Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform - Utimaco

Digital transformation is on the rise and so is the need for HSMs. This requires a cloud-agnostic HSM solution that is able to seamlessly bridge the gap between on-premise and cloud deployments.
7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs
Blog post

7 Steps to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership Around HSMs to Gain Force in a Disrupting Finance Market - Utimaco

How you can reduce total cost of ownership by upgrading and consolidating to more performant HSM infrastructures to enable a targeted and enforced pursuit of the corporate goals.
Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) - Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)
Blog post

Michael Engel (Diebold-Nixdorf) - Encrypting Retail Banking Services for End-to-End Security (video)

In this video, Michael Engel explains, why he is partners with Utimaco for that critical element of encryption technology in the financial services across the globe.
Blog post

The Atalla Secure Configuration Assistant and Concepts of Hyper-Security

The Atalla Secure Configuration Assistant, also named the SCA-W, is a secure system dedicated to interfacing Atalla HSMs.
Blog post

Integration, Automation and Open API in Banking Infrastructure to Accelerate Service Innovation - How Crypto paves the way

Banks have started a process of reinventing their value proposition as a highly automated and integrated platform for a continuously innovating portfolio of financial services. Payment is key to this and is threat by external market entrants.
Blog post

Remote Management in the Age of Global Disruptions

As the world comes to terms with the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing becomes a focal point in flattening the curve, businesses around the globe are confronted with challenges associated with remote management.
Blog post

AFD Fleet Cards - Transition from 3DES to AES

In this article we will focus on fleet cards issued by banks and/or follow a payment card association scheme (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) and the necessary transition from 3DES to AES encryption.
Blog post

EMV for Fleet Cards - Does it make sense for AFD Fuel Cards?

EMV could reshape the future of fleet & fuel cards. This can help managers grow and strengthen their fleets’ overall performance.
Blog post

Hardware Security Modules According to ISO 13491 and the Relation to ANSI x9.24-1-2017

This article will examine Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) according to ISO 13491 and how their relationship to ANSI x9.24-1-2017.
Blog post

Cryptography in Financial Institutions: Where Market Changes Require a Mutual Understanding by CEO and CISO - to Manage Risk AND Reduce Total Cost of Ownership

Changes in regulations, and the competitive landscape are disrupting the payment ecosystems. This article explains why concerted action on crypto is needed by the banks’ CEOs and CISOs.
Blog post

Fleet Cards, Fuel Cards, and AFD - Key Answers on PCI Compliance, Crypto-Security and the EMV shift in October 2020

Today, Automatic Fuel Dispenser fraud is a sad reality. Gas pumps are impacted by skimmers, cloned fuel cards, and other schemes. This forces fuel merchants to adopt chip technology as a way to prevent counterfeit frauds. 
Blog post

Open Banking  - The 3 Main Focus Areas for Banks and FinTech

2019 has set the stage for the next round of the match-up between Banks and FinTechs and the requirements for Strong Customer Authentication will come into play.

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