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Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Signing

The standards mandated by eIDAS work to ensure the integrity of electronic signatures. However, what is also mandated is the need for sufficiently protecting the cryptographic processes.
Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform
Blog post

Digital Transformation: Scaling Security Processes based on a Converged Crypto Platform - Utimaco

Digital transformation is on the rise and so is the need for HSMs. This requires a cloud-agnostic HSM solution that is able to seamlessly bridge the gap between on-premise and cloud deployments.
Blog post

eIDAS: The Advantages of QES as compared to AES

Know the main requirements that must be met to be complient for Advanced and Qualified Electronic Signatures with eIDAS electronic transactions in the European internal market.
Blog post

How high-trust industries are benefiting from e-signatures

Using an e-signature solution with a Hardware Security Module (HSM) ensures that cryptographic keys and digital identities are secured centrally .
Blog post

A new era for e-signatures – how eIDAS is shaping the future of high-trust signing

E-signatures provide a fast, secure, efficient and cost-effective alternative to paper signing and the eIDAS regulation ensures legal certainty across the EU with its requirements for Basic, Advanced and Qualified e-signatures.
Blog post

Qualified Signature Creation Devices (QSCD) under eIDAS – The example of the Bank-Verlag Signature Activation Module (SAM)

This article looks into how CC-certified and eIDAS-compliant Utimaco HSM integrates with the Bank-Verlag Signature Activation Module (SAM) and helps Bank-Verlag become a TSP.
Blog post

Local vs. remote signing and sealing according to eIDAS

One of the eIDAS objectives is the creation of a European market for electronic trust services with the same legal status and validity as paper-based processes – consistently applied across all member states.

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