Martin Rupp

Martin Rupp is a cryptographer, mathematician and cyber-scientist.

He has been developing and implementing cybersecurity solutions for banks and security relevant organizations for 20 years. Martin currently researches the application of Machine Learning and Blockchain in Cybersecurity.


Articles by Martin Rupp

payment with a card
Blog post

A Panorama of the key blocks

A key block is a special cryptographic structure designed to protect cryptographic keys when they are transported over networks which are potentially insecure.
paying with a qr code
Blog post

Why HSMs are needed for QR codes in payments?

QR codes in payment are not currently using any sort of encryption. However, they need to be improved and made more secure. How can HSMs help?
a man is paying with qr code
Blog post

Understanding QR codes for payments

Recently, a new trend in payments has emerged: paying with QR codes. Find out what QR codes are and how they work.
 digital pattern
Blog post

Understanding and planning for a post-quantum security ecosystem

Although we cannot predict exactly when digital crime will become a threat, we can realistically expect that the majority of companies will have at least five years to prepare.
numbers on a black background
Blog post

Concrete Applications of Tokenization in Payment Processes (2/2)

In this article, we describe various applications of tokenization in card-not-present transactions – when plastic cards become digital tokens.
payment card with digital wires
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Fleet Cards

Fleet cards are given by a company to their employees; for example, truck drivers delivering the company’s goods to where they will be sold. Here we will explain how fleet cards/fuel cards work and the role that hardware security modules can play in providing more secure features for these cards under PCI-DSS compliance.

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