Lawful Interception

Lawful Interception

Legally compliant monitoring of telecommunications services

  • Overview
  • Lawful Interception Management System LIMS
  • LIMS Access Point
  • LIMS Access Point S8HR
  • 5G ID Associator
  • Resources

About Lawful Interception

Lawful interception (LI) refers to the legally approved surveillance of telecommunication services. It has become an important tool for law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world for investigating and prosecuting criminal activities and terrorist operations.

Most countries have passed laws requiring telecommunication service providers to assist law enforcement agencies (LEAs) with duly authorized requests to identify, monitor, and deliver electronic communication of individuals. There are also national regulatory authorities and international standardization bodies that together define the technical framework for legal interception.

Versatile Options to Meet Your Business Security Requirements

Certified Compliance: Ensures national LI compliance.
Customizable: Integrates smoothly into networks and workflows.
Scalable: Expands for new services, networks, and bandwidth.
Universal: Supports diverse networks and vendors.
Minimizes CAPEX by implementing direct interfaces to the network.
Reduces OPEX by automating the requests management
Certified Compliance: Ensures national LI compliance.
Customizable: Integrates smoothly into networks and workflows.
Scalable: Expands for new services, networks, and bandwidth.
Universal: Supports diverse networks and vendors.
Minimizes CAPEX by implementing direct interfaces to the network.
Reduces OPEX by automating the requests management

Lawful Interception Management System LIMS

Lawful Interception Management System LIMS
Lawful Interception Management System LIMS

Utimaco LIMS is a carrier-grade and industry-leading solution that assists telecommunication service providers in complying with electronic surveillance law enforcement orders.

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Lawful Interception Management System Access Point

Lawful Interception Management System Access Point
Lawful Interception Management System Access Point

Lawful Interception Management System (LIMS) Access Points can be used for targeted interception as well as for the generation of IP data records (IPDRs) for a large range of communications services.

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Lawful Interception for VoLTE Home Routing (S8HR)

Lawful Interception for VoLTE Home Routing (S8HR)
Lawful Interception for VoLTE Home Routing (S8HR)

Utimaco provides a carrier-grade and ETSI/3GPP compliant LI solution for IMS/VoLTE in visited networks by offering both an active (Utimaco LMISF) and a passive (S8HR AP) solution.

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5G ID Associator

5G ID Associator
5G ID Associator

Utimaco´s 5G ID Associator solution offers 5G ID association functionality combined with state-of-the-art security.

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