Business Continuity Management Keyvisual

Business Continuity Management

Building Business Resilience with a Plan

Business Continuity Management (BCM) ensures the operational continuity of companies and organizations in extreme situations. Such extreme situations can be:

  • Natural disasters (fires, earthquakes, thunderstorms, etc.)
  • Business incidents such as cyber attacks or supply chain attacks
  • Location-specific incidents such as outages or operational accidents

The goal of Business Continuity Management is to be prepared for all kinds of incidents and to maintain business resilience. Business Continuity Management follows the PDCA principle, which includes the following phases:

  • Plan: Analysis of potential incidents
  • Do: Implement the action plan
  • Check: Analyze root causes
  • Act: Return to business normality

Utimaco’s Critical Event management software supports your organization in achieving business resilience and establishing Business Continuity Management. It provides comprehensive procedures to effectively handle large and small incidents from start to finish - ensuring business continuity and minimizing disruption.

To achieve this, the CEM system works with the three phases:

Prepare: The Prepare templates (reflecting the Plan phase of the PDCA cycle) include a potential risk evaluation and a readiness level assessment. It includes checklists to help organizations prepare for all types of incidents.

Protect: This is the heart of Critical Event Management lies here. The Protect phase contains the list of actions to be taken during the event – but it is more than that. Once selected, the system automatically executes all tasks which are marked accordingly. All other tasks are displayed to the operator, sorted by importance and urgency. This clear, real-time action list helps ensure that any event is handled efficiently, quickly, and reliably.

Restore: This phase reflects both the Check and Act phases of the PDCA cycle. After the tasks of the protect phase are completed, all pre-defined and situation-dependent tasks can be initiated for fast back to normal execution. In addition to that, the system contains a post event analysis tool to find the root cause and check the efficiency of incident handling.

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