Data Retention

Data Retention

A Turnkey Solution for Data Retention

  • Overview
  • Data Retention Suite
  • Resources

About Data Retention

Data retention consists of processes and technologies used to manage and preserve data over time. This includes storing data in a secure and accessible manner, ensuring data integrity, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements for data retention periods. It can involve backup and archiving technologies, as well as data management policies and procedures. Data retention solutions are critical for organizations to effectively manage their data and maintain compliance with regulations while also enabling them to access and use historical data for analysis and decision-making.

Data Retention for Telecommunication Industry

Considering the telecom industry, data retention is the process of preserving all records and subscriber data for various telecommunications services for a period of months and years. However, this data does not include the content of a communication. Access to retained telecom data is seen by law enforcement agencies and intelligence services as a critical component of modern crime investigation and terrorism prevention. Retained electronic data is frequently utilized to identify and trace suspects, uncover terrorists’ social networks, and gather admissible evidence for court proceedings.

Secret Retention Vault for Automotive Industry

Secret retention in the automotive industry involves storing and maintaining the keys and the metadata associated along with relevant electronic data used in vehicle production and their operation for a long period of time, typically to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This data includes the keys, certificates and associated metadata used in the production of a vehicle. This data also includes the keys in-use for the operation and maintenance of the vehicle. Detailed audit logs and the history of the parts, suppliers and OEM provide a transparent supply chain audit. The data can be used to improve products and services, troubleshoot problems, enhance the customer experience, and investigate accidents.

Data Retention Suite

Data Retention Suite
Data Retention Suite

With Utimaco’s Data Retention Suite (DRS), telecommunications operators and internet service providers can efficiently access and retain all traffic data (CDR, IPDR), subscriber data and network data across various types of networks.

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