Preview for our participation in RSA 2019

Be the first to learn about what Utimaco has planned for the event #RSAC
Come visit us at RSA Conference San Francisco, South Expo #2039

Paving the way in Post-Quantum Crypto with a growing number of pioneering researchers and partners

Utimaco has recently become known as one of the enablers in the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) space. There are many reasons why PQC experts and industry leaders like Microsoft ResearchUniversity of Waterloo CanadaISARALG ElectronicsevolutionQQuintessenceLabs and others choose to work with Utimaco hardware security modules (HSMs). Utimaco HSMs are available with the most flexible Software Development Kit in the market, making their HSMs programmable beyond the standard functionality of the competition. This feature allows experts to implement the new quantum-secure algorithms to test and evaluate how these affect current applications. It is this flexibility that makes Utimaco HSMs the prime choice for post-quantum crypto researchers and pioneers.

Large IoT and PKI solution vendors such as LG Electronics, Microsoft Research and DigiCert are some of the companies partnering up with Utimaco today. One recent example of such collaboration is the DigiCert research project that uses the quantum-safe algorithm “Picnic”, developed by the team lead by Microsoft Research, on a Utimaco HSM. To hear more about this proof of concept implementation into a PKI done by DigiCert, visit Utimaco booth (#2039) on March 5th and 6th to see the presentation by Head of R&D at DigiCert, Avesta Hojjati.

Utimaco will be pre-announcing the Applied PQC Expert Network in time for the November 2019 Applied Crypto Symposium in Silicon Valley.

Continuously investing in Innovation in Payments and Key Management

Utimaco offers the most complete, innovative and future proof-payment portfolio to cover all use cases in the banking and financial services industry. Utimaco proudly presents two payment HSM product lines to cover all customer needs: the industry leading, #1 payment HSM in the US market, Atalla, and the first hybrid payment HSM, the Utimaco PaymentServer.

In 2018 Utimaco successfully completed the first phase of reentering the banking and financial services space by acquiring the #1 payment HSM, Atalla, from Micro Focus. With the world-class hardware, Utimaco has also onboarded almost all Atalla’s top talent to guarantee business continuity for existing Atalla customers.

Now at this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco, Utimaco is proud to present the first true hybrid payment HSM, PaymentServer. Utimaco PaymentServer not only incorporates payment and general-purpose functionality, but is also capable of running both today’s crypto and post-quantum algorithms within the secure perimeter of a single HSM. As a result, banks and Fintechs are choosing Utimaco for many use cases including interbanking, card issuance, blockchain and alternative payment method implementations. As an added benefit, Utimaco portfolio of products allow their customers to reduce complexity and future-proof their cyber infrastructure at the same time.

Malte Pollmann, Chief Strategy Officer of Utimaco: “Today, Utimaco solutions backed by Atalla are designed to create trust in the digital economy of tomorrow. I am confident to say that our portfolio of HSM products meet and exceed industry security standards providing the highest level of protection for the most valuable data. The fact that Utimaco offers the first truly hybrid HSM is a historic step in the encryption market. Utimaco is the vendor to choose for customers who want to protect their investments in encryption infrastructure – even beyond the emergence of quantum computers.”

Utimaco bringing ESKM into the future with KMIP standard

Utimaco continues its strategic investment in offering a centralized key management solution and takes a major step in interoperability using the OASIS KMIP standard.

Protecting sensitive information such as cardholder data, patient records, personally identifiable information, and intellectual property from threats and theft is what makes or breaks a business. Having a centralized key management solution, that will grow with your encryption needs, is paramount to ensuring the integrity of your security architecture.

Utimaco is proud to announce Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM) Release 5.2, offering a central key management solution to protect and ensure continuous access to business critical, data-at-rest and data-in-motion encryption keys.

With the new release we will have the best coverage of KMIP test cases (97 %), providing support for extended partner interoperability use cases, and offering more options in terms of security and ease of use.

ESKM 5.2 will be FIPS 140-2 validated and Common Criteria certified.

General availability is expected mid-2019.

Protecting your assets in the cloud

Protecting your assets in the cloud, while staying Cloud Service Provider independent. Utimaco offers the only private Multi-Cloud HSM – worldwide!

As companies move increasingly valuable assets to the cloud, the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) market is growing – dominated by a limited number of players. Corporations spread their risk of being locked-in by any single CSP by keeping their assets with more than one CSP. The real risk of getting locked in, however, is not related to the location of the data – it is about the location of the encryption keys. The only viable remedy for this, is to choose a multi-cloud architecture, one that keeps the keys separate from the CSP and out of their control, so you can switch CSP vendors whenever you need to.

Utimaco offers you the only private HSM in the Cloud that allows you to set up this architecture: the Utimaco CryptoServer Cloud. It is the only offering in the market that allows you to keep your keys separate – in your own private HSM and away from the Cloud Service Provider’s equipment on a global level. It provides organizations with a multi-cloud strategy with the flexibility to move high value assets into the Cloud, between Clouds and back out of the Cloud.

At this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco, Utimaco is proud to announce the first-to-market private, multi-cloud HSM with global coverage, giving businesses full cryptographic autonomy. For the first time ever, customers have sole cryptographic control over their own, dedicated Cloud-deployed HSM units.

Utimaco CryptoServer Cloud is the only HSM in the market that also gives customers “full firmware autonomy”. This means that customers can operate their own custom code – or business logic – within the physical security boundary of their private cloud HSM units.


Margarita Atlasova – Marketing Manager

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