In the automotive industry, the quality of the core manufactured parts and vehicles produced is just as important as the efficiency of the entire production and supply chain ecosystem.
Connected production environments are the enabler for transparent, continuous, and accurately synchronized production, which also saves time and resources. Defined as a digital network of physical and digital entities, which could include devices, systems, and software; every piece of information in a connected production environment can be fed into one central overview.
This technology avoids predicting and prevents any uncertainty about the status of each entity by providing full transparency. One of its many advantages is the ability to analyze and plan production, as well as downtime for maintenance and service requirements.
However, the extensive digital connection and data exchange also present a significant risk. Each connected entity and each access point to various entities might be a possible loophole for an intrusion if it is not completely protected.
Identity and Access Management is one of the building blocks to secure a connected production environment. Based on reliable digital entities and access rights management, it effectively prevents unauthorized access to the connected production environment, including its individual entities, as well as to the data generated, used, and stored.