Hardware Security Module for high-security environments
The CryptoServer General Purpose HSM is designed to meet the most highest physical security requirements. Specifically designed for sensitive and critical applications prevalent in banking and government environments, its advanced sensor mechanism, which includes a sensor protection film, reacts to all types of mechanical, chemical, and physical threats. In the event of an attack, sensitive keys and data stored within the HSM’s internal memory are actively and quickly erased. This mechanism meets the requirements of FIPS 140-2 highest level 4 in the area of "physical security" and is certified according to this security standard.
Cryptographic algorithms
- RSA, DSA, ECDSA with NIST and Brainpool curves, EdDSA
- DH, ECDH with NIST, Brainpool and Montgomery curves
- Edwards curves Ed25519 and Ed448
- AES, Triple-DES, DES
- Hash-based deterministic random number generator (DRG.4 acc. AIS 31)
- True random number generator (PTG.2 acc. AIS 31)
- Chinese Algorithms
- All algorithms included in the product price
Cryptographic Interfaces (APIs)
- PKCS #11
- Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
- Microsoft Crypto API (CSP), Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) and SQL
- Extensible Key Management (SQLEKM)
- OpenSSL
- Utimaco‘s comprehensive Cryptographic eXtended services Interface (CXI)