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Data Protection for Organisations

About the white paper

Improving the Level of Security Throughout Your Entire Data Ecosystem

Data is information, opportunity, and the future. This white paper provides insight into how vital data is to organizations and the importance of protecting it from internal and external threats.

Take a closer look at:

  • How data is at the center of our digital world and is the most valuable resource for an organization
  • How organizations are struggling with the challenge of protecting data and the ever-increasing numbers that have fallen victim to data breaches
  • Data protection laws: View data regulations on a geographical scale, including the requirements for organizations to comply
  • Data shared and exchanged. How the entire ‘data ecosystem’ requires additional layers of security
  • Threats at all levels. A breakdown of the data ecosystem into different layers and how to secure each one according to the specific threats on that level
  • Data encryption solutions and practical guidance

The purpose of this whitepaper is to emphasize an effective approach to ensuring that unauthorized access to data and operating systems by users and/ or device can be effectively prevented by both internal and external threats.

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