3GPP TS33501 Compliance

3GPP TS 33.501 compliance

Security architecture and procedures for 5G systems

3GPP stands for 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). This organization defines specifications and standards which apply to cellular telecommunications technologies, including radio access, core network and service capabilities, in order to provide a complete system description for mobile telecommunications.

3GPP’s publication TS 33.501 specifies the security architecture for the 5G mobile networks, and the security procedures performed within the 5G System, including the 5G Core and the 5G New Radio. The key 5G security aspects are access-agnostic primary authentication with home control, security key creation and management, mobility security, service-based architecture security, inter-network security, privacy, and security of services delivered over 5G with secondary authentication.

For more than 15 years, large mobile network operators worldwide have seamlessly integrated UTIMACO HSMs. In addition to this, Utimaco provides a specialized Hardware Security Module which ensures a secure environment for mobile network providers to comply with 3GPP requirements as defined in TS 33.501.

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