Big Data Analytics
Lottery & Gaming

Big Data Analytics & Privacy in the Hybrid Cloud

It can be said that analytics are in fact the foundation of the gambling industry. In an industry that understands that its customer’s loyalty is solely dependent on the individual gaming experience, the requirement is to leverage and analyze data to its ultimate effectiveness; to shape marketing campaigns and to reform products as per the customers' behaviour.

Big data analytics can be viewed as a ‘shift’ in dynamics that is critical to the industry’s future. It can now be accomplished en masse and efficiently for the benefit of the industry;

  • Revealing player profiles & preferences - understand players better. Preferred games, time of day they play, expenditure, how long they play, what days they gamble. Age, location, job, income and interests.
  • Business growth- new customer oriented business models and ability to quantify the success of campaigns, bonuses and special offers.
  • Keeping players engaged - turning insights into actions. Designing bonuses and loyalty schemes.
  • Track online security - help analysts to detect any irregularities or loopholes in the system; various kinds of hackers, weak points in the network, malicious code hidden in software

The hybrid cloud allows the data and the related analytical workload to be positioned where it makes the most sense in terms of business requirements. The information privacy and security is managed and controlled consistently across all the systems of the hybrid cloud environments.

Trusted Processes

Applications for Trusted Digital End-to-End Processes


Hardware Security Modules - The Root of Trust

A non-penetrable and certified Hardware Security Module (HSM) assures non-tempered encryption of data, protected digital identities and secure public key infrastructures. This gives the foundation for a trustworthy and secure gaming and lottery infrastructure.

A HSM is a physical computing device that safeguards and manages digital keys for strong authentication, and that provides crypto processing. The code, data, and keys of an HSM are collectively considered a Root of Trust.


Cloud Service Architecture

A hybrid cloud solution embraces architecture within the gaming sector in an agile, seamlessly and secure environment. Data security and privacy regulations require that data transfer from and to the Cloud service as well as at rest is continuously encrypted.


Multi-cloud Key Management

Bring-your-own-key concept allows to securely and remotely generate & manage keys across the hybrid cloud and the complete life cycle, retaining full control over the data, and assuring data security and privacy at any time and at any location.


Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

PKI ensures confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation of sensitive information. Encrypting data at rest and in transit guards it against theft or tampering, and guarantees that digital identity provides secure authentication of users and applications to protect against fraud.


Post Quantum Crypto Agility (Future Proofs and PQC)

At this time, no quantum computer can run quantum algorithms, however once they are able to, these computers will decimate the security infrastructure of the digital economy. Post-quantum crypto-agility is a necessity for the financial services infrastructure to be able to evolve in the advent of a new generation of attacks and consequently evolving cryptographic standards and algorithms.



The integration of HSMs into a blockchain solution secures the privacy and security that may be lost by distributing proprietary software to an untrusted network of blockchain operators. By storing private keys and data within the HSM, data integrity and user authentication can be dramatically improved. Proprietary code can even be stored and run fully within an HSM to protect intellectual property.

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