5G Lawful Interception

Lawful Interception Addressing the Complexities of 5G and MIoT

About the white paper

The importance of how a future-proof Lawful Interception solution must continuously evolve in parallel with new technologies such as 5G and MIoT

This white paper from Frost & Sullivan explains how a future-proof solution must continuously evolve in order to ensure and maintain interception capabilities while also meeting interoperability and regulatory standards.

Take a closer look at:

  • A background on Lawful Interception, the process requirements and the challenges that it brings to Communications Service Providers (CSPs)
  • How the roll out of 5G exacerbates challenges and how this requires a revised Lawful Interception (LI) approach
  • The complexity of LI challenges that arise from 5G- bandwidths, virtualization, multi-access edge computing, network slicing, enhanced user authentication, stronger data encryption - service providers must continuously overcome these hurdles
  • The immense possibilities that 5G brings and why IoT service providers also need to cooperate with law enforcement
  • How Massive IoT (MIoT) - interconnected sensors and other IoT devices are all attributable to people under surveillance and why this is an additional challenge for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)
  • How electronic communications are now regulated and what this entails for internet and cloud-based communication service providers
  • LI Regulations, varying jurisdictions, standards and international cooperation, as well as operational obstacles are all ongoing considerations that must be met by CSPs

Find out how Utimaco LIMS, a market leading solution, has more interfaces than any other LI solution on the market today -  a continuously evolving, future-proof solution that follows international standards and supports all networks and services.

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