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IDC Study industrial iot
Blog post

Quantum Computing in the IoT Industry: Opportunities and Threats

How to Leverage the Opportunities and Prepare for the Threats That Quantum Computers Could Bring to the IoT Industry
Absicherung von Medizingeräten
Blog post

IT security requirements and tools for securing the functional security of medical devices

Functional safety is an important aspect of the approval of medical devices. The aim of functional safety is to design medical devices in such a way that any probable technical malfunction is detected in advance and does not pose a risk to humans.
a machine with icons around
Blog post

Understanding the Role of Hardware Security Modules in Digital Identities for Machines

Humans are not the only ones that need the security of a digital identity. Machines used in digital transactions are a target for hackers, necessitating the protection that digital identities provide for all stakeholders in order to prevent security breaches.
Blog post

Manageable Secure Machine Identities as Prerequisite for a Secure Internet of Things

The accelerated growth of digital transformations and digitalized processes, along with the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) has exponentially increased the number of machine interactions. This significantly increases the risks that businesses face in maintaining continuity in the event of a cyberattack, which are becoming all too common these days.
Blog Gartner Top Security and Risk Trends
Blog post

Top Security and Risk Trends implications on Cybersecurity Architecture

Gartner recently published their 2021 cyber security report that shows important risk trends in cybersecurity. This article discusses what implications these trends have on cybersecurity architecture.
Blog post

Root of trust in the Internet of things: interview at cloud computing expo

Interview regarding the role of HSMs as a root of trust in the Internet of Things at a Cloud Computing Expo in Santa Clara, CA
Blog post

Making security a priority in connected cars

The growing number of Internet-connected devices and accessories in the connected car opens it up to new potential points of attack for cybercriminals.

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