We are leaders in the solutions construction oriented to the computer security, internationally recognized by our experience in delivering high quality products as soon as to electronic identity and information technology. We focus on the design and systems implementation that guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability so We continuously carry out research and development projects that allow us to evolve maintaining ourselves at a high level within of the technological market. Our electronic identity products, digital signature, Smart cards, payment systems and public transport, Public Key Infraestructure (PKI) and secure authentication through using classic and modern cryptography are developed by a team qualified in turn complying with national and international standards to provide quality, safety and confidence to the clients.
- Banking & Financial Services
- Cloud & Cloud Service Providers
- eHealth
- Government & Public Sector
- Manufacturing & IoT
- Telecommunications
- Technology Partner
- Authentication
- Code Signing
- Data and Database Encryption
- Document Signing
- Key Injection
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Tokenization