
OpenStack Barbican with Utimaco SecurityServer

About the integration

This guide describes how to enable HSM integration with OpenStack Barbican. Utimaco HSM securely stores the mkek and hmac used by OpenStack Barbican for encrypting and decrypting secrets such as passwords, encryption keys and X.509 certificates.

OpenStack Barbican

Barbican is the OpenStack Key Manager service. It provides secure storage, provisioning, and management of secret data. This includes keying material such as Symmetric Keys, Asymmetric Keys, Certificates, and raw binary data.

Utimaco CryptoServer HSM

CryptoServer is a hardware security module developed by Utimaco IS GmbH. CryptoServer is a physically protected specialized computer unit designed to perform sensitive cryptographic tasks and to securely manage as well as store cryptographic keys and data. It can be used as a universal, independent security component for heterogeneous computer systems.

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