About the solution leaflet
A Flexible, Scalable, Injection Architecture for Payments
With the growing number of POS payment devices expected to reach 188M worldwide by 2026, the management and security of cryptographic keys requires special focus.
Payment terminals are injected with special keys used to encrypt the PIN. Each time a transaction takes place, a unique key is created. These keys continue to multiply as they cross sales channels, resellers, and merchants. So, it’s imperative that each device has a truly unique electronic identity that can be trusted and managed.
The complexity and cost of performing key loading locally in a secure facility according to growing compliance rules is becoming prohibitive. Customers must now look to different operating to stay competitive. As every PED (portable electronic device) manufacturer can inject their own equipment, but not competitor devices, deployers need to maintain multiple systems!
Utimaco’s flexible and scalable injection architecture is extensible to various markets, segments, and device classes. It delivers trust, and prepares you for that connectivity migration.
KeyBRIDGE POI provides a complete solution that consists of an HSM and an integrated central key storage platform, while Utimaco’s KEES delivers key management services, manufacturing device provisioning, and POS remote payload generation and distribution services for payments.
The solution supports:
- X9.24 symmetric key management standard
- X9.143 Key block standard
- Asymmetric TR-34 standard
….in a 140-2 Level 3, PCI PTS HSM certified manner and a PCI PIN compliant key management service.
To find out more visit KEES here and KeyBRIDGE POI here ! To read more about performing key injection and key loading remotely, download our solution leaflet !